1. 57th expedition Where it all started

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There is something worse than having someone die on you. What if someone dear to you vanished into thin air? You wouldn't know if that person was alive or not. It hurts, it fucking does. You spend the whole time thinking about where he could be, is he thinking about you? Does he miss you? Is he okay? They say hope is a good thing,

Hope is killing me right now..

[57th expedition]

Levi's POV:

"I have been looking for hours now dammit." I curse under my breath while shooting a string of my 3DMG against another tree. My body is trembling and I can't stand the feeling that something bad had happened. Where are they hiding?

Just as I was about to go further into the woods something catches my sight. The crushed body of a girl against a tree. Her head was in an unnatural position and her eyes were big, almost doll like.


The first dagger strikes my heart. The second one follows soon after, Oluo's body wasn't that far from Petra's, and Gunthers.. Eld..

This can't be happening, where is Eren? It hurts too much already, if this brat died on me I won't be able to stand it, I just can't...

I remember the expression on his face when the female titan was catching up on us. He wanted to shift to save us, yet if he did he would've ruined our mission. I asked him to trust me and he did. That did something to me but I simply brushed it off as respect.

I continue my search for the little brat and after a while the loud footsteps of a running titan catches my attention. They die off and a few seconds later the desperate screams of a girl follows.

"EREN!" The voice of the raven haired girl sounded shaky. She flew by fast trying to catch up to the titan. Did this monster kill the brat? But how..

I decided to follow them and disguised the girl as Mikasa who was wasting all of her gass trying to catch up to which I now see as the female titan.

This monster killed my squad..
I need to kill it, destroy it, harm it till the person inside begs for mercy. No one touches my brats for fucks sake!

I was now next to Mikasa and her eyes glew with hope as she saw me. "Corporal!" She shouted. "It has Eren, please help me with saving him!"

"If she ate him he's dead." I respond coldly. My expression was blanc like always and I showed no emotion making it look like losing the brat didn't do anything to me. Like it had no effect on me..

It was a lie, my whole world seemed to crash. The brat died? Why does this affect me so much? I feel like crying.

"No corporal, I'm sure he's alife! I saw what happened and she didn't swallow. She's keeping him on her tongue!" She begged. A small beam of hope spread trough my body. The brat could be alife..

I usually don't take risks whatever is happening. But this is different, the brat did something to me what makes me want to risk my life to save him.
Eren, please be okay.

"Fine." I respond to cadet Ackerman and I warp myself to another tree fastening my 3DMG. I swiftly fly trough the trees and lessen the distance between me and the female titan. I need to focus, no need to make unnecessary actions. This needs to go fast and smooth. What if I damage the brat?

The female titan noticed me when it was already too late. I swiftly crush her arms so she can't slap me away and cut the muscles in her legs, breaking my swords doing so. I grab new and fresh blades and move to her jaw. She was holding him on her tongue right?

Mikasa scoothed closer to help me and together we cutted the muscles that held her jaw closed, fast so she wasn't able to harden her skin. Her jaw flew open..

There he was, exposed and harmed. I scoop him up, carefully so I won't hurt the precious golden eyed brat. I need to bring him to safety quickly.

The female titan seemed to recover and Mikasa tried to attack it again. I quickly grabbed her waist with my free arm. "Leave it, he's safe and there is no reason to throw your life away."

She calmed down and we flew trough the tree's towards the green flares, meaning the mission has ended and that the squads were heading back.

We failed the mission and I lost my squad, people I almost saw as friends even though they were stupid brats.. It hurts.

Eren POV:

I slightly remember laying in a dark slimy place, loud sounds like footsteps echooed trough my eardrums and everything hurt. This went on for like a few minutes untill other sounds mixed with the footsteps. The sound of 3DM gear and someone yelling out my name.

"M-mikasa?" I try to yell back at her but my voice is too weak and rasp. A little bit of the slimy substance entered my mouth as I opened it and the metalic taste of blood spread trough my mouth.

Is this my blood? I try to move but a sharp pain trough my whole body stopped me. My vision became blurry and soon after everything went black.


"Will he be okay?" Armins voice echooed trough my head. "I don't know, Hanji said he will because of his regenerative titan powers." Mikasa answered. "I'm so worried.."

The sad voices of my friends helped me to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and the scenery of a small room with wooden walls and a small window becomes visible. Mikasa and Armin were standing next to me, both still in their uniforms of the expedition.

"Eren!" Armin yells as he sees that I'm awake. "How are you feeling?" They both look at me with wide, concerned eyes. A smile formed on my lips, they really care about me huh?

"I feel great honestly, just a little bit of a headache." I reply. On instant their faces seemed to relax and Armin attacked me with a hug.

A while later Hanji walked in and made Armin and Mikasa wait outside so she could do a few tests on me. "You had all of us really worried titanboy." She giggled. "Especially a certain someone."

"Ohh?" I ask confused. But she ignored me and quickly pierced a needle in my arm with a warm substance. "This should get rid of your headache." She explained.

A loud knock on the door stopped Hanji from doing more scary tests on me. A raven haired man walked in. His sharp gray orbs immediately focused on me and they seemed to relax.

"Hanji, leave." Hanji looked up. "But Levi.." She said while holding up a dangerous looking object. "I don't fucking care about your shitty experiments, just leave."

Hanji left on instant with a smirk on her face and I noticed her winking at Levi for some reason. Is he here to punish me because the mission failed? Because I couldn't save the special operation squad?

Just as I was about to apologise strong arms wrapped around me. My face started to heat up. Heichou was hugging me?..

"I know you must feel bad about what happened to my squad but it isn't your fault." He whispered. His soft breaths tickled my ear and I slowly lifted my arms up to hug him back. "Eren, please be more carefull with yourself."

Levi quickly let go of me and walked towards the door. He hesitated but left soon after leaving me flustered about what just happened.

Hanji's voice came back in my head. "You had all of us really worried titanboy, especially a certain someone."

"Levi heichou.."


I'm sorry for making you guys wait! Here is the first chapter for my Ereri fic! I hope you liked it c:

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