2. Can't you see what you are doing to me?

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I feel empty every second I'm not with you. It gets worse and I feel like dying. This pain of missing you is too much. What happened to you? Where did you go? These questions have haunted me for days Eren! When are you coming back? Will you get back?

Are you even alife..

Eren's pov:

Ever since Levi hugged me he seems to be avoiding me. He doesn't talk to me while training, doesn't even lecture me if I make a mess in the hallways. It annoys me since I have so many questions.

It annoys me because I miss him..

No, that's ridiculous. I'm not gay, right? "Ha-aha.." A nervous laughter left my lips and Jean who was helping me with cleaning the mess hall looked up.

"What're you laughing at Jaeger?" He neighs at me. I frown my eyebrows. "Nothing that matters to you horseface." I growl back.

He sighs and continued to clean. After a while he whispers something, soft so I couldn't hear it huh? "What did you say?" I stand up and look at him fiercly.

He seems to be confused at my angry reaction. "I said I was just trying to start a conversation." He clenched his spunge and looked at the ground.

"Oh.. Sorry." We went back to cleaning. I feel bad since he was trying to be nice for once. But.. It's still his fault for being a dick all the time!

"Jaeger are you okay? Oi Eren?" Jean grabbed my arm. "Your face is all red, you sick or something?" He places his hand on my forehead and moved his face close to mine.

"J-Jean.." I say flustered just as the big doors of the mess hall opened. The raven haired man seemed to be shocked at what he walked into but quickly recovered himself.

"Kirchstein, move your shitty hands from Jaeger and continue cleaning." He scowls at Jean, who quickly moved away to clean the table. "And brat.. My office now."

"Y-yes heichou!" I saluted and walked after him. Mixed feelings boiled in my chest. He's finally talking to me again, but his office didn't sound any good. Is he going to hurt me? And what the heck was horse face doing?

We walk up another staircase and were almost at his office. I'm so afraid, he's mad for sure. Just look at that expression on his face. A shiver went trough my body, I seriously have to do something quick so he isn't going to yell at me, or worse..

What if I say sorry now? No, that wouldn't be enough. Maybe an offer to clean his office for a week? Or would a hug help..

What about a ki- "Oi brat?"

Levi's POV:

I'm nervous, really fucking nervous. It will be the first time that I will be alone in a room with the brat since that last time. The fucker probably has a lot of questions and after what I saw in the messhall so do I. What was the horse even doing?

"We're here Jaeger." I stopped in front of my door and looked at him. His golden eyes seemed to be somewhere else, deep in thought. "Oi brat?"

"Y-yes heichou?!" He saluted and he was shocked like he forgot that I was here. "Tch, we're here." Stupid brat..

I grab my keys and open the wooden door. I always close it in case a crazy psychopath with glasses decides to barge in and make a mess. Which onfortunately, for him, happened once.
I sit down at my desk and wave him over to sit in front of me. We stayed quiet for awhile, the tension was clearly visible in his eyes. The brat is scared of me?

"Heichou, why did you want me to come to your office?" He asked nervously. And then it hit me, why the fuck did I take him with me?

"I wanted to talk." I stand up from my chair and begin to walk around. My body felt strange and I began to shake. Everything felt awkward and I was unable to continue what the fuck I even tried to say.

"About what corporal? Look if I did anything wrong then I'm sorry." He stands up and walks towards me. "N-no y.." I stuttered, since when do I stutter?

"Are you okay Levi?" He asks and his hand moves towards my forehead. Just the idea of him touching.. No...
I walk backwards in shock and hit a vase. It breaks into a shit ton if pieces that I have to clean up later, fuck.

I awkwardly walk the other way and slip over a shattered piece of glass and fell towards the ground but before I hit it strong arms caught me.



Helloo, here is the second chapter. I know that it seems like Levi is a bit out of character but Isayama said in his last interview that Levi is romantically awkward and that is so cutee xD
So that's why I wrote it like that :3

And guys... Does that mean that he is an uke? Ghehehehhe

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