3. Goodnight Levi heichou

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Your face haunts me in my dreams, yet I love to see it. Your rosy cheeks, your lovely smile and I didn't even talk about your eyes yet.. Gorgeous jewels colored like honey mixed with the ocean. And your hair, soft and messy which suits you perfectly. I wish to see you again soon so I can adore your face in real life. I'm sick of this dream..

Why aren't you here?

Eren pov:


I quickly catch him before he could hit the ground. He looked shocked and his cheeks flushed a crimson red. I've never seen him like this, he is acting strange..

Levi got up and pushed me away. All of a sudden he looked mad but when he spoke his voice was still high and shaking. "Dismissed." He whispered. I didn't move an inch out of confusion. What the hell was going on?

"Fucking leave already you piece of shit!" His voice cracked and he was shaking but the look on his face could destroy the world. I nodded and left without saying a thing. Here I was, thinking I would get some answers on the many questions I had after his hug but I only left with more of them.

"Hey watch out fag." Someone yelled. I look down and see horseface on the ground. Must have bumped into him, lol. "Sorry, I thought horses were trained to move out of the way when someone was approaching." I snorted at my own joke.

"Why would a horse learn to move out of the way.." He laughed and ruffled my hair. "E-eh?"

Since when doesn't he get mad when I call him a horse? Why is he so nice all of a sudden? "J-jean, are you okay?" I ask. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. What the hell is going on today..

"I should ask the same question to you Jaeger, your face is all red. Sure you aren't sick? You were like this in the mess hall too." He said while grabbing my arm. "Let's go to my dorm so you can get some rest Titan Boy, it's gonna be cold tonight so it will probably be bad for you if you sleep in the dungeons like normal.."

I nodded, he was probably right. And there are a lot of spare beds since the last expedition..

[Le time skip brought to you by horse meat, 3$ for 6.2 inches if ya now what I mean] (sorry)

It was getting late. I turned around to get a more comfortable position. It was cold and my blanket was a bit thin. Shivering I curled up into a ball. There was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep tonight.

A sigh left my mouth. There is condition training tomorrow so I could really use some rest, but things never go my way do they? First, I lose my mom because of the titans. Then I swear to destroy all of them and I turn out to be one. I want to be one of the best soldiers but I turn out to fail at a lot of things and now this? Well comparing to the other things this isn't that bad..

The shivering got worse. A small breeze got trough a crack in the wall and blew some hair in my face. I sighed once again, I could go and sit in the mess hall to skip some time. Maybe I could go out and train some more, everything is better than laying here in the cold.

I got up, put on some comfy clothes and made my way to the mess hall. The hallways were dark, the only light came from the moonlight trough the windows. Everything still smelled like cleaning products since we had to clean headquarters for the entire day. My hands still hurt now I think about it, corporal surely likes his rooms to be clean huh?


He probably is still awake too. Maybe I could go and bring him some tea. He did seem mad at me today, it would only be fair to make it up to him..

And so I made some tea and I'm currently standing in front of his door, too affraid to knock. What if he was sleeping? He would murder me if I woke him up. But after all, I made some tea for him..

No ones POV:

After a little while the brunette finally got the courage to knock. He shivered once again, but this time not because of the cold breeze that licked his skin. He waited a while but no one seemed to come to open the door.

'So he was sleeping?' Eren thought to himself. He decided to leave but just as he turned around the door opened. The pale raven looked confused as he saw that someone was actually at his door at this hour.

"Heichou! I figured you were still awake so I wanted to bring you some tea." Eren smiled and held out the cup like a small child that was proud at what he did. The raven couldn't help but to smile a little bit at the sight, the hallways were just dark enough to hide it. Levi nodded and accepted the cup full of the damping bittersweet liquid.

"Would you like to come in?" He asked to the brunette. A small blush flushed on his cheeks as he said so. He was in love with the brat, he figured that much. What else could explain the burning desire in his chest everytime he saw him, and above all his clumsyness a few hours before.

"If that doesn't trouble you then yes, I would love to!" Eren smiled as he followed his surperiour inside. He too felt strange when he was close to the corporal but decided not to pay too much attention towards it. 'Levi will never like me back.' He always thought when he would feel like that again.

They sat down and kept quiet for a while, both enjoying each others company. It was at the moment the silence got a little awkward Eren broke it. "I heared somewhere that you almost never sleep, is that true?" He asked the raven. Levi only nodded in response and sipped his tea.

They remained silence again and the only sounds came from Levi sipping his tea or Eren who moved in his chair. This time it was Levi who broke it. "You seem to be getting tired, you can sleep in my bed if you want." He had been thinking about this question for a while since Eren started to eave drop, but hadn't asked it cause he did not want to sound creepy.

"But where are you going to sleep?" Eren asked, he didn't want Levi to sleep on the couch. "I'll just sleep in this chair or something." The raven said not bothered at all since he usually sleeps in his chair.

"N-no I can't accept that!" The brunette  frowned and stood up from the couch. "It's okay, I usually do that anyways." Levi answered. Eren seemed to get upset. Did corporal really do that? He already doesn't sleep that much, what if he got sick from the cold?

"Heichou.. Can you please sleep more, and in your bed so you will not get sick?" Eren asked. Levi once again felt his face heat up. Was the brat really that worried about him? "Okay, but for now I'll sleep on the couch."

"N-no! I can sleep on the couch.." Eren really wanted Levi to have a good rest for once. Maybe the dark bags under his eyes would lessen a bit. The raven sighed. This brat isn't giving up any time soon. "We surely don't want the other to sleep on the couch so what if we both sleep in the bed, i-it's a big bed anyways.." He stuttered a bit and regretted what he said the second after the words left his lips. He looked at Eren, afraid of his response but to his surprise, the brat was blushing.

"S-sure, if the bed is big enough.." He whispered. They both went into Levi's bedroom. Levi, who was still wearing his uniform, took off the belts and changed his button up shirt for a normal gray one. Totally not minding Eren who was secretly admiring the well build body of his corporal. Finally the raven slipped his pants off and layed down under the covers. Eren blushed at the sight of the corporal sleeping in his boxers and went to lay down next to him. He knew he was going to fall asleep soon with the warmth of Levi next to him and yawned.

"Goodnight Levi heichou.." He muttered before falling asleep. Just a few minutes later the brat turned around and wrapped his arms around the raven haired man. Levi blushed but didn't feel like pushing the younger one away. His eyes slowly closed. "Goodnight brat."

This is unedited so I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes :s
And what do you think is better? Eren/Levi POV or 3th POV?

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