11. The day before

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Levi's pov:

I waited an hour. And another.

All the brat had to do was getting some fucking food. Where is he?
I sighed out loud and finally shifted to the side of the bed, ignoring the cramps in my back.

The sly idiot really doesn't know what holding back means.

I stepped out of the bed carefully and held myself up against the wall. The stones felt cold against my hand. I fucking hate the castle, it's so cold and every noise echoes trough the entire building.

Every noise...

"God fucking damnit."

This explains why Eren still hasn't come back yet, everyone must've heard... last night. He's probably being bombed with questions.

"Don't worry Eren, sexy captain Levi comes to save your ass."

After I put on some clothes I carefully walked to the mess hall. Walking really did hurt. Just as I was about to enter the mess hal someone turned around the corner.

"Eren, there you are!"

He gave no response and ignored me as he walked past me quickly. I could see that he had been crying.

"O-oi what's wrong? Wait.." I said as I started to follow the brunette, but he was too fast since my back still hurted like crazy. I decided to shrug it off and leave him be for now, he propably had a fight with one of his friends again.

And so I entered the messhall.

Just as I expected everyone looked at me curiously. I ofcourse glared at them as usual. But there seemed to be something wrong. The mood was tense and I thought that Hanji would have been bombarding me with questions by now.

She didn't, as a matter of fact she didn't move at all. She had looked up to meet my gaze but that was it. I walked over.

"What's wrong?"

It was Erwin who responded. "Orders from the king, there has been weird activity outside of the walls like continiously striking of lightning as if someone is shifting. We have to check it out tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? But then we don't have time to think of a strategy, that's suicide." I scoffed, we had no choice but to go though. When they order us we have nothing to say against it.

"We know Levi, everyone does." Hanji spoke up. She was scared.

Hanji was scared.

And so was everyone else~

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