12. Preperations

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I hadn't seen Eren for the rest of the day. He clearly was avoiding me. I figured that he was just sad because of the expedition but then why would he avoid me like that?

It was now evening, very late too. I had to be with Erwin almost all day to help him make atleast a little plan for tomorrow. As of now it was coming out good. But there were ofcourse a lot of holes in the plan and in the formation. We had to re-arrange the whole formation since we needed people on the walls as a look out. We also had to send out scouts to make sure that we weren't going to get ambushed.

So like I said, a lot of holes in the formation.

Erwin grunted a bit as he was trying to fix everything. We had to keep Eren safe. I asked why we couldn't just leave him here, the response got me mad.

"We need him there because I'm almost 100% sure that they're trying to lure him out. We need him as bait."

Bait, they were going to use my Eren as bait.

"As.. As bait?! He is our last goddamn hope and you are going to use him as bait you fucki~"

"Levi mind your language please, and yes we are going to use him as bait. There is no other option."

"Atleast let me stay close to him.." I mumbled, sadly looking at where I was placed.

I had been placed as one of the scouts. It was the furthest position away from him. If something were to happen I wouldn't even be able to see it. This whole mission is shit. It's unfair and I never asked for this.

"I'm sorry Levi... this is the only way we possibly could make a chance."

I had walked away before he could even finish.


I went to my room and stayed there all day long. I waited for Eren. My hope that he would come had been there for the first few hours, after that it slowly started to fade. He was obviously refusing to see me. That hurt... especially as it was just before an expedition.

Since when did I decide to 'feel' again? All It's giving me is sadness, doubt, anxiousness. I didn't ask for this, just like I didn't ask for the expedition. All I wanted was to be safe, somewhere with that shitty green eyed brat. I wanted him close with me, kiss him and hold him. I didn't sleep for the entire night. The first rays of sunlight came way too soon.

The expedition starts in an hour.


Should I even continue this fanfic? I dislike it and it's badly written for my doing. I've improved ever since the first chapters but I can't change my writing style mid book. If no one comments on this chapter saying what they want then I'll unpublish this book.

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