4. Because I love you

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I remember the first time I got to touch your body like that, so many details like it was carved by god himself. It was in the morning so the sun made your body shine. I wouldn't have cared if I died right there at that moment. Everything was so perfect,
It can be like that again, the only thing you have to do is to come back to me..

Levi pov:

A small breeze woke me up, I open my eyes and they meet with a warm beam of sunlight that peeps trough the perfectly cleaned window. It was for the first time in a while that I slept like this, so comfortable and warm.

I tried to move a bit and finally noticed the two arms holding me. They belong to a fragile and precious boy. I turn around to face him. He looks so peacefull while sleeping, and so adorable..

"Eren, wake up." I whisper and caress his cheek. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. His precious orbs met my sharp, steel ones. "Heichou?" Eren looked around. He was confused at where he was but seemed to realise soon after.

I didn't feel like getting out of bed yet and layed my head on his chest. His heartbeat was fast but steady, like some sort of rithym. "Thank you for letting me sleep here sir." He yawned and tried to get out of the bed.

"N-no, stay a bit longer." I stuttered and pinned him down on the bed again.  I felt myself getting warm and knew that I was blushing heavily,  this brat..

All of a sudden I got smashed onto the bed and now it was Eren who was pinning me down. He looked mad. "I think that I deserve some answers, don't I?" He growled. I tensed up at his sudden mood change and just gave a quick nod. I know that what I have been doing lately confused him.

"Fine then, question 1.." He stopped and thought. He waited a few seconds before he knew what he wanted to ask.


"Explain... What?" I asked totally confused.

"Just explain everything."

I started to get mad, what the hell does he mean with everything? A frown formed on my face and I glared at him.
"What is everything you little shit?" I yelled. He tensed up for a moment but then glared back at me.

"Don't be such a dumbass, explain why you hugged me and what happened yesterday evening!"

"Who are you calling a dumbass you filthy monster?!" I yelled back. He tensed again at the word monster and hung his head so that his hair covered his face.

'Shit, I went too far..'

"If that is what you really think of me then I'll just leave. Sorry for the trouble." He got up and made his way towards the door. I froze for a second but quickly got up to follow him.

"Wait brat, I'm sorry.."

He ignored me and kept walking. I could hear his breath getting unsteady as if he was about to cry.

"Eren please I didn't mean it-" His hand reached towards the door and he was about to open it and run away. I don't want him to be mad at me..

"Please, d-don't go." My voice cracked. Eren turned around and looked at me. His gaze softened and a sigh left his lips. "Why not?"

I knew exactly why I didn't want him to leave, I wanted to tell him how I felt. Confess my feelings. Finally have him for myself. I thought people always overreacted at things like this. I would hear people talk to others about how they were too scared to confess to the person they loved. I thought it was stupid..

And here I was, acting like one of those dorks. The words got stuck in my troath. Eren sighed once again and his hand reached towards the doorknob.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The doorknob slowly turned and the door opened to a creek. And I just stood there watching as he was about to leave. And just as he was about to close the door on me, I broke.

Couldn't keep it in any longer

"Because I love you, t-that's why."


Hiyaa! I'm sorry for the lack of updates and that this chapter was so crappy and short :c
Next update will be longer I promise!

Chiaoo x

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