New idea for a book...

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Mk, so, there was major talking between me and Laura today on the bus, and I just started to think that 'what if I wrote about this and created a book?' So, I decided to think about it, and I need y'alls help on weather creating it or's the description.......and title.....

"If One Goes Down, We All Go Down" (you'll understand the title later in the description and story)

There was a group of five girls; Faith, Laura, Ariana, Katley, and Emily. But this story is only based mainly on four of the girls; Laura, Ariana, Katley, and Emily.

They're a group of of girls trying to survive the horrors of 8th grade. They are all seperated, but not quite. Katley, Ariana, and Laura are all together, but Emily and Faith are seperated from them.

Drama was started between the four girls. The drama was terrible, so bad, that Laura believes it started with her, and she starts cutting, again. She had stopped a while back, but now back to it.

Emily gets into some drama of her own, along with the group drama.

Now Ariana begins to cut.

Laura blames herself for all of this happening, and wants to die.

But as Emily always says, "If one goes down, we all go down."

(Based off a true story of me and our 8th grade life)

Mk, so, how does it sound?
Should I make it or not?
Tell meh!

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