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So, my day....hm....between bad and good.

So, today was my friends birthday, and she was all sad, and it just made me upset. I tried to cheer her up, buy it didn't work...so, then we were working with our assigned partners, and a new guy joined my partner group, and when we were working, it was awjward, cause he's one of the "popular" kids, and he overheard me and my friend's conversation, and he found out that I cut. And he said, "if it makes you feel any better, I smoke weed." And I was just like I'm total shock. And then he said, "you'll get through it" whenever I was talking to him bout my cuts, as I swear my friend said my cheeks turned red. I don't even like him, like, wtf!? I WOULD NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS DATE HIM! EW! I'm taken by the most wonderful girl in the world, and I wouldn't replace her for anyone else. But I felt bad for him tho. I wanted to help him.

So second part of upsetness. When i was walking back in for lunch, and this guy in front of me was walking slow, and I accidentally stepped on his shoe, and I said sorry, and he's like, "nigga really" and I just felt so...ugh....so after that, I got back in class, cut twice on my wrist with my pencil. It didn't hurt bad....

So yea, that was my day...

THEN, I figured out that Kendra cut once with her pencil, and I freaked out on her. I know why she might be doing it, but, I don't want her going down my path....

So yea.........

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