
28 2 1

So I used up my data, again, so now I won't be on Wattpad as much...it feels good being off Wattpad tho. I feel free of drama, and worries...maybe I'll delete Wattpad, idk. I may not. I'm just confused. The only reason I got this app is so I could write, read, and see what it is. I didn't come on here for drama, and all that shit. Now I'm already in it, so now I can't do anything about it.
Look, you bring me into your drama, I'll leave you until you get that straight. Dont bring me into your shit. Now, if something happened to you or a friend, then you can say something, but if it's drama, then don't you dare come near me with that shit. Got it? Good.

Now, back to what I was saying. I won't be on for most days, so don't get worried and all that if I don't answer.

Ok...now that I said that....what's up? How have y'all been?

ME BIO 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora