No, i lied, i didnt...

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I lied, I didn't have a great and awesome day. In 4th hour, my teacher called me outside of class(cause I didn't do my hw) and talked to me. He asked me why I didn't do it, I wanted to tell him, I wanted to tell him that I had just found out my friend has commited suicide, but I told him I didn't feel good(cause I honestly didnt), and he just piled the fucking hurt on top....grrr.....I HATE him! Damn, like, give me a fucking break. So after that....uhm....I may have sort of kind of cut 5 times.....with a pencil and a pen....4 on my hand, and 1 on my wrist. Gawd, can ge just leave me the fuck alone and pretend like I don't exist like the rest of the school ignores me? seriously. I'd rather him ignore me than him calling me out. Mofo bitch...{note:talking about my teacher} so yea...that's what ACTUALLY I feel kind of upset....

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