How was school? Eh, could've been better

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Honestly, it was bad in the morning, cause my friend made fun of me, AGAIN. But later during the afternoon I felt a bit better. And during seventh hour, I kind of gotten depressed and shit....I was thinking about Taylor....and I wrote something. Here it is....

How I feel...

I keep writing "R.I.P. TAYLOR" everywhere. I stare at makes me want to cry. I miss Taylor. It hurts to not have her here anymore. She was a good friend. She didn't deserve to die. I've been trying to get past this, but it always comes back. I remember how sweet, kind, caring, amazing, etc that she was. I hate that she had to go through that heart-breaking pain. She was beautiful and smart, going to collage, it was too soon for her to go away. I lost a good friend. How can I get past that? I've talked to all my friends about it, but it feels like I'm not telling all of it.
¤Heart Break
I feel all of the worst emotions you could feel. I hate the feeling. I want it to go away. Death let's you escape from life's problems. So why can't I escape life's problems like Taylor, or any other person? I know it'll hurt my friends, but thinking about them makes the choice harder. I feel selfish, for thinking about myself. I don't want my friends to hurt like I am now. They all care about me, and I'm greatful for that. I don't want to feel selfish, I don't want to feel anything. Should I shut off my feeling again?...Maybe I should. Wouldn't it make everything better..? Wouldn't it make me feel better? Wouldn't it make all of the pain go away?
~ </3mily

Yea....but I feel better don't worry, I'm ok.

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