Fuck it

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darkwolfking17 just read my bio, and he saw the chapter about Blade, and now I feel like he hates me.....that he's upset.....I don't want him to be upset. I'm over Blade anyways...plus he doesn't even like me back....

I feel like I lost him.......I feel like he's not going to talk to me anymore....I feel guitly......

I just wanna fucking die.....I mean, he hates me now so I doubt he would care......*tears* I can't keep friends, not even my crushes, not even him.....

Damnit, WHY DO PEOPLE HATE ME SO FUCKING MUCH!? *punches a wall, curls up in a ball and cries* why can't I just love one person and not loose them......? My life is fucked up.....just kill me before I do.....*holds the scissors in one hand, grips it tightly*

Just kill me.....i don't think he cares anymore.....

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