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Dedicated to -NeverEverGiveUp- for your awesomeness and for the amazing banner


"You worthless little child! Useless stupid girl! Stupid, stupid! " my father screamed at me, shouting and grabbing my hair in a tight-clenched fist, pulling me up.

"Aaaaaaaaa! "I screamed, flailing about uselessly. I couldn't think of anything but the relentless pain and I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I'm useless. A piece of rubbish. Stupid, hated.
A punch in my stomach. I cough out blood, and he punches me in the nose.
Blood spurts out from my nose, and black spots edge my vision, blurring it.
I sway on my feet, giddy. Today's a good day to die. I'm pathetic. Vulnerable.
I look up, and just before I black out I see a fist coming at my face.

I start at a still silence. I cough, and the stench of blood is so thick I swear I'd need a knife to slice it. I try to sit up, and spots cloud my vision again and pain overwhelmes me. The spots aren't black this time, they are colourful, blue and green and yellow, playing with my vision.
Oooh I think dully. How colourful. Now everyone I see will have spots on them.
I lie there for a few more minutes before attempting to sit up again. Groaning, I blink at my house, dazed. Glasses are smashed, wood broken,tables turned and blood. Blood covering the tables, chairs and the floor.
I sigh inwardly. Ever since Mum died, my father has been blaming me for her death. Says that I should have died instead of her. At first he verbally abused me, then the physical abuse started. Sure, I cried, but only behind his back.
I didn't have any friends, except for my boyfriend, Riam. He's the only person I trust.

I knock on Riam's door a few days later. He opens the door and smiles. I run into his arms and bury my face in his chest.
"Now, you have to explain to me why you have a split lip, a bruised jaw, a black eye sealed shut and cuts all over you. " he says. I explain everything, right from the start. He listens with furrowed eyebrows and when I finish, I realise that his fists are clenched and his face contorting with anger.
I bite my bottom lip and stare at him. He slowly turns and glared at the wall behind me.
I sigh. He smiles at me, then murmurs, "I'm going to kill your father. "


After she told me what her father did to her, I stiffen and fist my hands into balls. I grit my teeth and anger courses through me. My Janice... getting hurt? I turn to Janice and fix my glare on the wall behind her. She sighs and smiles gently. I return the smile and remember what I wanted to do just now. "I'm going to kill your father. "I murmur. Then she turns and leaves my house.

*** five days later ***
Unknown P.O.V.

" She fought me and made me hurt. Look at my scratches and wounds. "I say, getting him to look at where she attacked me.
" She clawed at my face and see the scars here? " I say, pointing to my face. "Oh, " he says, his face darkening. As he turns, he mumbles, "she's going to pay for this. " leaving me grinning after him, knowing my plan would work.


I lower my head and trudge to school, knowing that it would be another difficult day for me in school. The only reason why I haven't committed suicide and is still alive because of Riam.
He wouldn't have been able to live with himself.
He might even join me in Heaven.
Stop it Janice, I tell myself. You can't think about these things now. As usual I hear the mocking behind me, the usual class talking bout me.
A girl, whose name I don't bother to remember, shoves me roughly and kicks me. I got hit and crumple to my knees. They've been doing this since they realise that I got physically abused by my father. I sigh. I can't wait to get home.
Wait. There is no 'home'.
My father kicked me out yesterday. I groan, grabbing my stuff off the floor and stumble to my seat. A few girls sitting together at the far end of the room are grinning and giving me smug looks, sometimes jabbing a finger at me. Usually the middle finger. I pray today won't be as bad as last week, when I walked home and they cornered me and beat me to a pulp. I'm vulnerable and weak. Nobody loves me.
But all I know is that as the days go by, the torture will only get worse.

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