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Okay. I cannot believe Im doin this.

Okay, chill, @Vicleeqw. You can do this. Why am I doing this again?

Oh right. Because of causeitsoverrated... sigh... but at least I don't have to comment "I LOVE WEARING BABY DIAPERS" wherever I go.

Okay. Here goes....


1. Rules must be posted.
2. You have to post 13 things about yourself and you cannot refuse.
3. You have to do this in a week if not you will have to comment 'MY FARTS STINK SO MUCH IT WILL MAKE YOU FAINT' in every chapter in every book that you read.
4. You have to do this in your book, NOT the comments section.
5. When you are done, tag 15 other people to complete this challenge.

Just great. (Note sacarsm dripping from every word)

Well, might as well get over and done with it.

13 (insignificant) things about myself:

1. I like to sing. I like to dance the way I like to dance, even though I look super duper uper weird and funny and everything ridiculous but... whatever. Also, I like to think that I sing very well. Even if I dont. But... WHO EVEN CARES?!! It's just for... say, fun?

2. I love to read. ( Duh. As if this couldnt get any more obvious) My favourite authors: (not in sequence)
- Anthony Horowitz
- Marrisa Meyer
- Endid Blyton
- C.S. Lewis
- J.K. Rowling
- Roald Dahl
- James Dashner
- Suzanne Collins (Is it Susan? Im not sure)

Yup, those are just a glimpse of a few. How bout books?

(Excluding Wattpad books which are all awesome):

- Series of Divergent
- Series of The Lunar Chronicles
- Series of Hunger Games
- The Maze Runner
- Charlie and the chocolate factory
- Charlie and the glass elevator
- Red Queen
- Alex Rider series
~ Eagle Strike
~ Point Blanc
~ Scorpia
~ Scorpia Rising
~ Skeleton Key
~ Ark Angel
- The Diamond Brothers Series
- Black Ice

Yep, and a thousand others which I dont recall their titles. Whew, I better hurry! Im only at 2!

3. I love sleeping. The worst thing on a normal school day is me waking up. I have to give up my precious beauty sleep just for school.

4. I don't like candy. I dont understand why everyone else does. It's so sweet and just... sugar.

But I love chocolate. Chocolate is just... beautiful creamy goodness... especially Kit Kat.

5. I really doodle in Math class. Please, no one, tell my math teacher about this...please?
*Puppy dog eyes*

But I do love drawing, which brings us to the next part...

My hobbies.

6. My hobbies are:
- drawing
- doodling
- daydreaming
- reading
- sleeping
- eating chocolate (bunnies)

7. I HATE shopping... especially for clothes. I don't understand why they all say that girls like shopping.... it's just... ugh. You have to put the thingy on, off, try another one, look at the price, decide which one you want, and then buy.

Ain't that horrible? Yes.

8. I don't prefer wearing skirts/ dresses. (I'm a girl, BTW)(duh)
Anyways, I don't understand why people like wearing 'em. I mean, you can't walk around, dance around, and do anything in it.

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