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Haha sorry people but I haven't been updating in about a million days... but let's do this people!!


Today is a happy day!! I think...

"TODAY IS A HAPPY DAY!!" I yell, swinging my hands in the air, my hair flying about my face.

John raises an eyebrow at me before looking back at the road.

If you finally noticed, we are in a car-John's car-which I didn't even know he had, and we are om the road. To where, you may ask?

Well, I'm glad you asked. We are going to... *drumroll* JOHN'S HOUSE!!

"Hello? Janice, are you even listening to me?"

"Wait, what?" I blurt out, startled.

He sighs. "I was asking you whether you would like to go out to lunch with me after you meet my parents."

Even though he tried to look cool, I could tell John was on pins amd needles. He was....nervous. I frowned. Was I that scary?

"Um... sure. I heard the words 'lunch' and blanked out after that." I joked, grinning. "So, did you just ask me out on a date?"

He scratches the back if his head, his eyes trained on the floor.
"Y-yeah." He murmurs, his ears turning pink.

"What was that?" I taunt him, cupping a hand around my ear and leaning towards him.

"I... I askedyououtonadate." He blurts, his ears turning even pinker.

"Whatt was that?!!!" I shout, leaning even closer to him.

He has trouble breathing properly, and his breath hitched.

"I. Asked. You. Out. On. A... a d..date." He murmurs, barely audible.

I smirk, grabbing his arm and hauling him to his house, a cute little cottage with a large blue roof on top of a white house that looked almost perfect.

I ran up the cute winded pathway to his house and climb his stone steps.

I stop right in front of his door, and take a huge breath, waiting for the moment for my life to change forever-

"Oh, HELLO!! You must be Janice!! I am so excited to meet you! My son has told me about you, and I cannot wait for me to meet you! I have so many things to tell you about, especially about my son, John. Oh, he is over there behind you! John, why don't you introduce your wonderful friend to me! I am sure she would like chocolate cake, right? I mean, you do, right? I hope you do. Anyway, almost everyone likes chocolate cake, right? Wait, why are you just staring at me like that? Oh no, you don't like chocolate cake? Oh no! I need to quickly change-"

"Um, sorry but... you are John's mother, right?" I ask, staring at the frail woman in front of me. She has a small built, and I am a little taller than her. She wears an apron around her waist and has a large motherly smile on her face.

Needless to say, I liked her immediately.

"Yes, of course, darling dear Janice!"

I smile at her. "Um, yeah, I'm John's girlfriend-"

"OH. MY. GOSHHH!!" She screeches. "You asked her?!!"

I blink. Does she hate me or what?

"Mom..."John complains, smacking a hand to his forehead.

"OH MY!! Darling Janice, come on in, ignore my son, I have so much to tell you about!!"

So that was how I spent my next few hours listening to his mother talk all about John.

I loved his mother. She was so friendly, and nice, and treated me as if I was her family member.

"-and there was this once where my husband and John tried to do karaoke, and of course, they sounded like two screeching monkeys that was captured in a zoo! I even had to put on earmuffs-"

"Mom!" John's head was buried in his hands as he was forced to go through the torture of listening to his mom talking about him.

"I'm losing my dignity as you speak!" He complained, raking his hands through his hair. And I, of course, found it extremely cute, not that I would admit it to anyone. After all, he was my 'fake' boyfriend only, right?

"Not that you have any dignity to begin with, anyway." His mom, Francesca, snorted.

SLAAAYYYYY!! I burst into laughter, collapsing into a round lf uncontrollable giggling.

Francesca insisted on me calling her 'Francy', as I was supposedly her son's 'girlfriend'.

Francy smiled proudly at John while he was giving her a panicky, angered and cute look at the same time.

"Mom! You're driving me insane!" He looked like he was about to start pulling his hair out of his poor head soon.

"Not that you have any sanity to begin with." She snorts again, sending me into another round of laughter.

I laughed so hard that I clutched my stomach. It was so funny! His mom was HILARIOUS!!

I did have a feeling, when she looked at my laughing figure with pride, that we were going to be very very good friends, desoite the huge age gap.


The promised chapter has arrived!! So, who like Francy? Raise your hand or comment 'me' if you do!!

Haha I'm so weird... never mind!! Bye bye...

Oh wait, causeitsoverrated can you PRETTY PWEASE PWEASE UPDATEEE?!! Please....

For my sanity's sake (Not that I have any to start with) :)

:) (I'm putting this smiley face here not because I am smiling, but because its cute. And I don't know why I'm writing this...but never mind.)

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