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Dedicated to qian94 for being a great friend.

"Hello again, " Kules says, a grin lighting up his face. "I feel so lonely in these woods without you, " he says, still grinning. "Well, this is the second time you have appeared in my dream! " I exclaim, surprised.

"Well... " he says, scratching behind his ear. I raise an eyebrow at his nervous action. "It's just a coincidence, isn't it? "

I look around and realise I'm in the jungle - yup, the same one - and grimace. The last time I was here didn't end out very well.

He sees my expression and laughs. "Those are the revostharouses. The ones that trampled on you. "

"The what?! " I say, brows furrowed at the funny word. "The revostharouses. In short, we call them the revos." he says, eyes twinkling.

"They're not nice creatures, so you better watch out. Oh and uh, I need to tell you about some other things about this world. "

In the next few hours, I learn these things about the world Kules lives in:

1) I can never feel pain in this world. 2) The revos are the only one species that causes any destruction, besides humans.
3) I'm the only human.
4) Kules is not human.
5) I mostly don't understand what he's talking about.

That's quite a lot.

"So the ancestors of the Dreamworld cit-"

"So, all I have to do is just stay away from the revos, right? " I say, neatly cutting him off.

"Um, yeah. " he blushes. I smile, proud I made him flustered.

I proudly gaze down at him - I'm taller than him - and smirk. He bites his bottom lip, and I immediately stop smirking.

Afraid of what he would do next, I anxiously lick my lips and stare at him with various thoughts running through my mind. If he gets angry, he will run off and I will probably die. Or he might kill me himself. Well, he has shown an incredible amount of strength and anger, so he might hurt me. I know I might be exaggerating things, but I'm still scared anyway.

I tense, ready for a hit or a shout and look down at the floor, chewing on my lip. When nothing happens, I look up from under my lashes and realised that he was staring at me perculiarly. Then suddenly realisation dawns on him and he breaks out into laughter, crouching to hold his stomach.

At first, a confused look enters my face, but all I do is laugh too, finding it funny that he laughed when I thought he was gonna kill me.

Eventually, we both stop laughing and I smile at the memory. Which just happened. I'm weird.

"Well, that was funny, " Kules says, too smiling. I nod in agreement.

For a moment both of us just stare at each other, not knowing what to do. Then I arch an eyebrow saying 'hey, you're the expert here, do something, " and he held out his hand. "Let me show you some of the stuff around my house and in my house. "

When we enter the wooden hut, I gasp. On the outside it was completely disgusting and ugly, but the inside was beautiful.

The floor had a carpet, made with grass, and was soft and wet under your feet, and the wood panels lining the walls were smooth, and light could shine in from the cracks of the wood, making the Hut glow with the exact amount of brightness. The walls also had pictures on them - pictures of animals carved from wood - and the air was conditioned - the air was fresh. There was also a small 'music box '. It was a small wooden box with grass woven in it in various parts and there was a small handle that was turned to produce music.

As I gaped at the cute little wooden hut, Kules smirked. "Remember the time where you preferred sitting on the log instead of this little wooden hut? "

I blush, feeling embarrassed that I'd rather sit on a wet disgusting log instead of this cute hideaway.

We sit on the cute little mushrooms and I am surprised by how extremely comfortable and cushiony it is.

Kules and I talk for a bit, but then I start feeling very uncomfortable when he starts asking about my parents.

"Uh... It was a normal childhood. " I say, not wanting to reveal any more.

"That's all? "
"Yup. "

I chew on my lip, nervous, as he hesitated.
"I saw what your father did to you, "he says slowly and carefully.

He didn't see anything. How could he?

"Well, I did something wrong. "
"Want to talk about it? "
I look at him, frowning.

"Why do you wanna know anyway? "
"I'm just concerned. If you don't want to we don't have to talk about it. "

Should I talk about it to him?

Will I?

Is he trustable?

What will he say?

What will he do?

Do I know him well enough?

Does he have any other intentions?

As these questions burn through my mind, I unconsciously fidget with my fingers, playing with them.

Then I hear a sound. It's distant and muffled, but it's familiar. What is it? I strain to remember. It is...
What? I cock my head to the side and try to listen better, but I don't recall it anywhere.

Wait. I know.

It is the school bell ring.

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