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Chapter 11


I stare after Janice, my eyes wide open.

She only let me say one sentence...

Oh stars. Is she angry?
Of course she is.

All I've done:

• Slam a door in her face
• Shouted at her.
• Made her depressed.
• Made her feel lonely and unwanted.
• Basically, anger her...

And now she hates me.
Not for the first time, I cry out to God.

Why my life is so bad.

I head home, slouching. I trudge home, kicking rocks off my path.

At least your situation is not as bad as me. I think to the rocks, shuffling my feet.

As I round the corner to see my house, both my eyebrows lift.

Then I smirk.



I run as far as I can, finally running out of breath and sinking down to catch my breath.

My lip trembles. I lean back, slightly traumatised.

After a few minutes, I calm down.

What do I do now?

I take in a shaky breath, scared, but I know what my fate is.

I only have one option left.


I breathe through my nostrils, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Now dying doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Anyone gonna stop me?

No one.

Anybody cares about me?


Anyone actually let me cross their mind?

Not a single soul.

Tears sting my eyes, and I let them run freely.

The absurdity of the idea strikes me. I'm gonna commit suicide. But my life is full of absurdity and abuse, so why not?

I think about it. Not a really bad idea at all.

Yup, definitely good.

I exhale slowly. Close my eyes.

Smirk. Now nothing can stop me now. I'm gonna commit suicide.

I'm not afraid of death, not afraid of fear anymore.

Nothing's gonna stop me now.


I smirk seeing all the police crowded like any around my house, milling around it like a bee hive.

So much attention.

My parents and to the side, their faces worried and panicky but I don't care anymore.

My world is crushed, and you think I care about them right now?

Of course not.

You think that it matters now?

Nope, not at all.

Janice is all that matters now, and I've made her like that.

That's why I couldn't really care less.

It ain't matter anymore.

Janice.... why can't she forgive me?

Stupid me. Stupid me.

I wonder sometimes, if she feels the same as me now. I don't think so. Does she really?

I sigh, and walk to the police.


Now I've got a lot of explaining to do.

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