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Dedicated to BurningFlame123

Chapter 9


I can't believe Riam just did that.

I can feel his glare on me as I stalk off towards the room. I can't believe it.

Tears run down my face and I swallow, my hands clenched by my side.

I pull open the door, not caring weather it made any noise or not. Then I slammed it shut and pulled my blanket over me and tried to forget whatever happened.

"You're sad. Something happened. " Kules said, eyeing me. It isn't a question.

I jump in shock.

"Why are you still in my dream? "

"Have you not heard? If you keep thinking of something then it would appear in your dreams. "

Kule's P.O.V

I know that what I'm saying is lying, but it's the best for her right now.

She sighs, overwhelmed with sadness again.

"Kules? "

"Yes? "

"Can I confide in you to keep my life to yourself? "

I knew what I was about to do may be a huge responsibility one day, but right now I don't really have much choice.

"After all, I am in your dream, right? " I say jokingly, not really in a mood to joke.

"Okay then. "

So she tells me about her school, how she's bullied, how she feels, what her father did, what her boyfriend did, and what they argued about.

I feel like punching through several tree trunks by the time she's finished speaking.

Although I know I shouldn't. The last time didn't go very well. I punched the tree and I had a broken hand for a week till it healed like all the rest of the animals and plants in this forest.

I grit my teeth together and clench my fists at my sides.

How could anyone be so mean? I couldn't bear the thought of bullying. Especially people bullying Janice.

I don't think she has ever done anything to displease them.

Why do people bully others just because they don't do what they are doing? It's just ridiculous.

I close my eyes, pained, and feel Janice's stare on me.

I slowly open my eyes, at the same time releasing a short breath.

She is staring at me, her eyes filled with many emotions .

I take in a huge breath, and sigh.

I now have to take the burden of being Janice's buddy.


I see Kules close his eyes slowly, painfully thinking about bullying.

I know how much he can't stand bullying.

I almost laugh seeing the expression on his face. But I'm touched too. He actually cares about me. I also feel happy, happy that someone finally knew about this whole nuisance. The feelings overwhelmes me, and when he looks up at me, he looks so sad.

As if he was the the one that was bullied and hurt.

It makes me feel like hugging him. Even though I am the one that is supposed to be hugged.

" Kules? "

"Ya, I'm alright. "

I smile at him.

"What should I do? To get my relationship with Riam together again?"

"Well, " he says, deep in thought. "You should clear it up with him. he's a sensible and sensitive boy that is mature and can understand situations that are complex. "

I bite my lip. I don't want to talk to him, especially after the argument, but I suppose it's the right thing to do.

"Ok. Fine then. But how do I get out of here to go to him? " I say, puzzled, looking around at the huge trunks that surrounded us.

"Simple but hard. All I have to do is knock you out. " Kules says, fear obvious in his eyes.

"Do it then. I won't even feel any pain. " I say.

He looks at me, his face saying 'are you serious '.
"What? " I say, oblivious.
"You know how much I would hate that. " He says, shaking his head.

"Fine. " I say firmly, before marching off. I know that Kules cannot do such a thing. He wouldn't. He couldn't do that. I wasn't angry at him though. I was kinda glad that he liked my presence.

And I would love to stay. If not for the fear that my courage to face Riam would fade away.

I march over to a tree. I feel a little scared. I take a deep breath, and step a few steps back. Then I open my eyes and charge head-first into the bark of the tree.

I open my eyes. I didn't even feel pain. I raise an eyebrow, marvelling at myself, before remembering my mission.

I take a breath and get out of my bed.

Surprisingly, it is only 6.00 am and I creep out of the room again. I look around.

Any signs of him?


I break down the moment she closed the door. I squat down, sobbing, and as girlish as this sounds, start crying. 😈

I sit on the floor, sobbing, and crawl to a corner and bury my face in my hands.

What have I done?

I just sit there, silent, and just stare into space.

My watch beeps. 6 am already.

I get up and slowly make my way back home, my heart heavy.

Just then, a figure jumps in front of me, and, yells, "Stop! "

"I need to have a word with you. "

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