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I walk slowly through the park. Smile. Maybe I wasn't intended to be alive after all. Maybe I wouldn't be like this if I was born somewhere else, new life, new everything.

I sit on the bench in the park, lying down and look up at the stars.

The stars are so pretty, shining in the darkness. I sigh. Why can't I be like the stars?

Beautiful, perfect, always flawless.

I'm none of those.

Not pretty, not perfect, always clumsy, born in a bad family.

In a way, this was my mom's fault. If not for her, I would-

Don't blame her.

I sigh, and let myself get lured into sleep.


I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself.

Stupid me.

Stupid stupid stupid.

Janice. "Janice." I say softly.

"Riam!" My mom calls, smiling like a bimbo coming into my room.

I glare at the annoying woman who's disturbing me from knocking my head on the table.

"My boss has a daughter. And she apparently has a crush on you, so you are going on a date with her. "


"See, I've already picked out the perfect clothes for you! It will be fun! Also, by doing this, think about the huge benefit I would get from this! Make sure to be at your best behaviour and try to-"

"MOM!" I shouted at her.

"What?" She looks at me, annoyed.

"You know I have a girlfriend and you are making me do this?"

"It's just a date. Too bad. Everything has been arranged." She looks at me before rambling on and on.

I clenched my fists.

Then she finishes babbling and closes the door, saying," The date is half an hour from now!"

I can't... I can't go. Not ever. Janice.

Then my dad came in.

"Listen son, if you don't go, your mom's gonna get fired and half our support of money will be gone."

"I know you don't want to go, but you have to. In order for us to get through well. As your dad, all I want is.. .. to see you grow up without any problems or difficulties. Nothing could make me happier."

"And it's just for a few hours. Please."

I sighed. But Janice...

If my mom gets fired(which I don't really mind happening right now) I also wouldn't be able to support Janice.

"Fine." I say unwillingly.

Just great. I really hope that I would survive.

I pray silently to Janice that she would forgive me.

Sorry. I had to do this.

I am so sorry...

I get ready for the date, hoping that it wouldn't be too bad.

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