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Before I start, I'd just like to thank @aeslinn for this incredible book cover. I mean LOOK AT IT. Anyway, welcome to Part of The Crowd. I really hope you enjoy this book. If you're a 5sos fan, you are welcome to fangirl with me anytime. If you aren't, my dm box is still always open :) Without anymore disruptions, lets get into it!

A Daydream Away by ATL at the side! But I actually made a full playlist for this book and it's on Spotify! Just click on the link in my bio or the external link for this book :) Love you guys! 

Chapter 1

The concert is even better than I imagined. The initial shock of seeing the 5sos band members in person has worn off. Now all I hear is the music, all I feel is the people dancing around me, and all I can think about is how amazing the boys are. I'm also looking directly into Luke Hemmings' beautiful blue eyes and I can't seem to look anywhere else. 

 You see, the thing about this is that he may not even be looking at me. No. He could be just staring at the crowd, hardly noticing the girl with the brown hair and the black top. I, on the other hand, am hardly able to breathe because those eyes are piercing me. 

In a few seconds his eyes shift away and I'm left standing in the crowd, disappointed, sweaty, and very, very shocked that he even looked at my direction in the first place.

I actually made eye contact with Luke Hemmings. It seems like such a minimal thing to anyone else. But to a dedicated fan, it was all I had. It was the strongest memory I could take home to remember.

The brief thought that every single fan has ever had comes to my mind. "Could I possibly be the fan that makes it? Could I possibly be the fan that gets spotted out of the crowd? Could I possibly be the fan that gets to date her favorite band member?"

The thought leaves my head as briefly as it came. Look at them, performing like the amazing, talented, famous people they are. I'm too ordinary to stick out. Yeah, that's what they all say. But what they all say is true. All I can do right now is enjoy the concert, enjoy the music, enjoy their presence. So I do. I dance my heart out, I sing along to every song, and I die a little inside every time Luke's eyes meet mine.

When the concert ends and I can barely walk to save my life, I leave the arena. I feel content because it was the single most amazing night of my life, yet dispirited because it was over so quick and I may never get to see these four boys again. 

I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with the post concert feeling. The euphoria mixed with undeniable sadness all wrapped together with exhaustion. I drag that feeling around with me as I hug my best friend and walk out of the venue. Gone. It is all gone. All those hours waiting in line, dealing with demanding fans, and listening to the security's laughter. It is all gone in a flash. All I want is to go back in time and wait in line again. Also I need water. I really need water. 

As I walk back with a bottle of water in my hands, food on my mind, and my best friend April by my side, I'm still unable to wrap my head around the fact that that was it. That was it. 

McDonalds is next on the list due to the fact that we skipped dinner to stay in the line. April goes on about how Michael winked at her, and I think back to the surreal moments when Luke looked at me, if he was even looking at me. Impossible. However, I believe April, I saw Michael staring at her with my own two eyes. It sounds fake, but at the same time band members do need to maintain eye contact with the audience, and boys who know they're loved do tend to get flirty once in a while. So I do believe that April is telling the truth. All I can do is smile and agree with her, because I can't be as sure that Luke Hemmings did look at me during the concert.

Once we reach McDonalds, I tell April to get me a burger and I walk towards the bathroom. My bladder has been holding strong ever since I was in line for the concert, but now that all the excitement is over, it needs release. I walk into the bathroom and stop right before the women's sign. All I can think about is still Luke's blue eyes and I have to shake my head to get the image out for now. The door to the men's bathroom swings open and I instinctively turn my head to give a brief smile to whoever it is. Manners matter, after all.

Luke Hemmings walks out of the door, and my otherwise occupied brain halts all train of thoughts. My legs stay frozen on the ground and my arms hang limply from my side. How attractive. I look into those blue eyes again and although five years of training for this moment tells me otherwise, I can't manage anything but a smile and a simple "Hi."

Now, you may be thinking that this is utter bullshit. But why would meeting my favorite band member after their concert at a toilet of a fast food restaurant 3 miles from where the concert venue was be utter bullshit? If your answer is that because this is a fanfiction, I'm going to say that it is a completely unacceptable answer. You will meet your sunshines in the weirdest and most unexpected places, so I beg you to keep and open mind and never give up.

You might also be thinking "Is this why this is on Wattpad? The main girl of the story is the one who made it? So is she the one who did manage to date her favorite band member and live the perfect, happy, fairy tale life she wanted with him?" No. This is the story of how I wasn't the one who made it into the perfect, happy, fairy tale life I wanted. This is the story of how I wasn't the one who made it.


Hey guys! I thought of a new fanfic to write. I am a little concerned if this idea would work or not so do let me know what you think. Either way, I really hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I'm sorry if its a little short, I promise the next few chapters are going to be way longer. Leave a comment if you guys like this and want me to continue writing it. Don't forget to vote too. Thank you all so much for reading I love you all!!

Part Of The Crowd // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now