Chapter 5

ring ring

ring ring

ring ring

The annoying caller ring tone rouses me from my amazing dream involving myself surrounded by lots of vanilla ice cream and I groan in annoyance. I reach for my phone with my eyes still half-closed, cursing whoever rudely interrupted my amazing dream. If it's April calling because she forgot to bring the keys again, I'm going to kill her.

I'm not sure how I manage to answer the call, but I do. I sloppily press my phone against my ear and mumble, "What?"


I freeze. It's not April. It's a voice I haven't heard in over two weeks. It's a voice that I'm sure will be impossible to forget because I remember it all too well and I've been replaying the memory of it in my head for two weeks now.

"Luke," I breathe. I'm much more awake now. I'm still tired, but very much awake. He has never called me. We have been texting but not once has he called me. Until now.

"I missed your voice so much," He mumbles, making my heart race.

He sounds different. Is he drunk? Luke loves partying, obviously. He and the boys always find their way to one whenever they have a break. In fact, I'm surprised he wasn't at a party the night he met me. I strain my ears to listen to the background noise and I can confirm that he's at another party. I can hear the faint noise of music and chatter.

"I missed yours too," I reply quietly, sitting upwards on my bed. My heart is racing like never before with nervousness.

"Is that Scarlett?" I hear a familiar thick Australian accent.

Is that...Ashton?

"I want to talk to her!" The voice says excitedly. I hear Luke resisting before the voice that clearly belongs to Ashton Irwin, the drummer of 5sos, speaks to me.

"Hi Scarlett!"

I'm dying. Ashton Irwin is talking to me. Holy shit. Nothing is real.

"I love you so much!" I end up gasping to him, wide awake now, "Your drumming skills are amazing and I appreciate how much you love the fandom. Thanks for always updating us and telling us you love us."

"Awww," He coos. It's clear that he's drunk too. "It's no problem. Luke has told me so much about you. That idiot literally wouldn't shut up."

Luke talked about me? Why? I mean, I'm pretty insignificant right? Why did he tell Ashton about me?

"Are you serious?" I ask, smiling a little.

"He likes you so much!" Ashton whispers, giggling. "He hasn't even slept with anyone since that night with you."

Really? No sex?

I'm unprepared for the amount of happiness that builds up inside me. Luke hasn't slept with anyone else. I've lost so much sleep over the fact that he may possibly still be fucking other girls. It's ridiculous to lose sleep over something like this, I know. But unfortunately, I like this idiot and I would very much prefer it if he isn't sleeping around. If Ashton is being truthful, I guess I was worried for nothing.

I've too been dragged to my fair share of parties by April over the course of these two weeks. But it was difficult for me to even find someone other than Luke attractive, much less hook up with anyone. Luke is taking over my life, really, and he isn't even physically here.

Part Of The Crowd // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now