Chapter 7

I tap my foot impatiently on the floor as I watch my lecturer go through the final slide on his PowerPoint. Lynn is furiously writing down notes beside me and April is fast asleep on my other side. Just in case you're wondering, this happens in every class.  April shifts in her seat, trying to get comfortable, and I see my lecturer roll his eyes. I think he's gotten immune to the amount of students sleeping in his class. 

"That's it for today," my lecturer says, indicating the end of the class. "I'll see you all on Thursday."

He ended the class an hour early. Thank God. It's probably because half the class is asleep, but that's fine with me. I quickly pack up my things, nudging April as I do so.

"April, get up."

She sits up abruptly and groans, "My head hurts. I hate being hungover."

"Nobody told you to drink so much last night," I say, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Yes, Dylan did," She complains, grabbing her bag and following me out. Lynn trails behind us, observing her notes. "He kept handing me shots."

"I'm sure he's in a worse state than you," I say in an attempt to make her feel better.

"Yeah, serves him right."

Lynn finishes up with her notes and puts her things back into her bag. She looks up and smiles at me, "So, you still haven't told us why Luke is here."

"He said he came to see me," I reply, slightly embarrassed. 

"Did he come to see you or to fuck you?" April asks.

"April!" I exclaim, "Stop!"

She shrugs and rubs her head, "Well it's not every day that I catch you in bed with a boy. Especially, not Luke Hemmings."

"Are you guys going out tonight?" Lynn asks, excitedly. I think she's more excited about mine and Luke's relationship than I am. 

Actually, Luke did make me promise to go out with him when I come back from classes, which is why I've been acting like a hyperactive maniac who drank 5 cups of coffee all day. Now, all my classes are over and I can finally go see Luke.

Look at how pathetic I am turning out to be. Bless my soul.

"Yeah, they are," April mutters, "Can I go get Michael's number from him please?"

"Sure," I say, "But you should go back and rest first."

"No arguments there."

As a person who prides herself on following the rules of safety on the road, all I have to say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for running all the red lights. I'm sorry for driving over speed limit. I'm sorry for taking this illegal u-turn. I just need to get home as soon as possible. If you were in my place, you would do the same. At least, I hope you would do the same because otherwise this would mean that I am slowly being driven psycho by Luke Robert Hemmings. Oh God, no.

"Scarlett, if you turn the car that way one more time, I am going to puke all over your seats."

"If you do that, you're never getting into my car again," I warn April, taking another turn. She raises her knees to her head and groans.

We reach twice as fast than during our usual trip home from school. April gets out of the car groaning and from the expression on Lynn's face, I know that there is no way in hell she is letting me drive again tomorrow.

"How long is Luke staying here again?" She asks me as we get into the lift.

"I don't really know. Why?"

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