Chapter 4

"Oh for goodness sake!" April snatches my phone out of my hands and shoves it in her back pocket, "It's like you're not even here!"

Shocked and slightly annoyed, I look up to meet her blue eyes that are currently narrowed in anger. Her eye colour is similar to Luke, only that hers is darker, the colour of a stormy ocean, and Luke's is lighter, the colour of a clear sky.

"What?" I ask, looking at the people around me. April and I are currently at a restaurant with Lynn and Dylan. Dylan, like April, is my childhood best friend. He's tall and skinny with jet black hair. He also has had the biggest crush on me since we were in middle school. I constantly hope that he finds someone else to like because there is no way in hell that I'm ever going to reciprocate these feelings. But he never does. Time after time he still tries to win me over to no avail. It's gotten to the point where I'd do anything to get him to chase after another girl. 

"Are you texting Luke again?" Lynn asks, still in the midst of devouring her chicken chop. It looks really good. Maybe I should have ordered that.

"Yes," April says, glancing through my messages.

"Hey!" I grab my phone back and glare at her.

Dylan rolls his eyes, "It's been a week since the concert, Scarlett. Let it go."

Before I can reply April already has a fork held at his throat. "Let it go?" She asks, "Fuck you. I'm never letting it go! Michael Clifford winked at me!"

Dylan's eyes grow wide and he holds his arms up in surrender, "Okay, chill! I know!"

April sits back down and continues digging into her pasta. I look down at my empty plate and sigh. I didn't even notice that I've finished my food. I was too busy texting Luke.

Speaking of that, it's been a week since our midnight hang out, and he's been constantly texting me. He's been talking about the shows, the boys, the team, and he always seems to be exhausted. I don't blame him. If I was the one on a world tour I'd hardly be collapsing in exhaustion. In this one week alone, I've learned so much more about him and his life than interviews ever told me.

For example, Luke likes questions regarding death and love. He has conflicted views on marriage. He doesn't think that we're alone in the universe. He likes sugar in his coffee. He prefers parties over movies. He thinks insecurity kills. He loves watching the clouds move. He likes colorful city lights.

I learned all that and more. Right now, I think I like him more than I ever had. I don't care that he has a scar on his right shoulder blade. I don't care that he daydreams at the most inappropriate times. He seems perfect to me.

I play with my fork and look up at Lynn, "Why do you think he's still texting me? Shouldn't he be moving on to some other girl already?"

"He likes you, you idiot," April interrupts.

"He never said so," I argue, leaning against my seat. Dylan opens his mouth to say something but shuts it immediately. I can't help but smile slightly at that. Oh Dylan.

My phone vibrates and I unlock it to see a new message from Luke.

I have to go. Show starts in 30 minutes. Wish me luck.

- Luke

Good luck and have fun!! I'm sure you and the boys will do great out there!

- Scarlett

I really wish you're here to watch us :-( 

- Luke

Part Of The Crowd // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now