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Chapter 13

I have never been in the first class section of the airplane. In fact, I have never even pictured myself ever taking a first class seat. The place looks like it could belong in a hotel brochure, the seats are nearly as comfortable as my bed, and we receive an endless amount of expensive food and drinks. It's like a hotel on a plane. What I would do to be rich.

April is already drinking wine. I've asked for coffee, on the other hand. I don't want to be tipsy when I meet Luke. I need to give him a piece of my mind.

I think he's pretty nervous for my arrival. I've been sending him short and curt replies throughout the entire month, not even trying to hide how pissed I am at him. He's tried so many ways to make it up to me. However, although I really enjoyed the expensive flowers and backstage passes to nearly artist performing at the moment, he still hasn't managed to buy me back. Well, nearly.

"Okay so," April starts her long awaited story of her relationship with Michael Clifford, "Obviously I texted him first, trying my best not to seem like an overbearing fan." She puts a hand to her chest and sighs, "He was so sweet, Scarlett! He was being so nice and patient. Then I, embarrassingly, requested that he follow me on Twitter. I guess my selfies did the trick because he was full on flirting with me after. We've FaceTimed a few times, sexted, even phone sex. Holy shit I gotta tell you-"

"Spare me the details!" I exclaim, gesturing for her to stop. As much as I would love to know about April and Michael's sexual fantasies, I'm not exactly ready for it.

She laughs and leans back against her seat. "So that's pretty much what's been happening. I don't see us getting into a relationship anytime soon, though. It's sort of a playful thing." She opens her mouth to add something but sinks back into her chair and turns away.

"Are you excited to meet him?"

"YES," She yells, "I've packed all my hottest outfits and lingerie. I've even prepared what to say to him. I have it all sorted out."

I laugh at that, pretending as though I did not do those exact things too. I have speeches planned out in my head that I will no doubt forget the moment we touch down in LA.

The 5 hour flight, as luxurious as it is, feels like forever. I'm constantly shifting in my seat, looking outside to see if we're close by, and downing cups of coffee. Oh god I'm going to be so jumpy when we reach LA.

April falls asleep halfway through, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a book I just can't seem to concentrate on. One of the stewards comes over with a calming tea when he sees how jittery I am and I grab it from him so quickly he jumps back in shock.

"Thank you," I say, feeling bad.

I almost cry of happiness when the pilot announces that we are about to land. When the plane finally stops, I already have my luggage in hand and I'm shaking April awake.

"I have a headache," She mumbles as we make our way out of the plane and into the airport. Hence, the reason I decided to be the responsible one and drink coffee instead.

"I told you not to drink so much wine."

I tug my luggage along with me as we navigate through the largest airport I've ever been in. Honestly, why is the LA airport so fucking huge. It's like a goddamn maze. April and I get lost nearly 3 times, I pee twice, and April has another guy's phone number by the time we reach the entrance. I smooth down my crop top and jeans, glancing at April to see if she's ready. She nods at me and we both go out together.

There is a massive crowd of family members and loved ones outside. I scan the crowd for a tall, dirty blonde, Australian guy but I don't see him. I try to hide my facial expression from April. I'm not disappointed. I swear I'm not.

Part Of The Crowd // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now