Chapter 6

After that phone call, it took Luke two whole weeks to finally text me. I'm not sure if it was because he was way too busy with tour or if it was because he just didn't want to talk to me. I have to admit I spent those two weeks with my eyes fixed on my phone just in case he texted me. Thanks to this annoying little bitch aka the massive pride that resides in me, I wouldn't let myself text him first.

When he finally texted me, all the message said was.

Hey, how are you?

- Luke

I don't know what I expected. Maybe another 'I miss you' or some kind of reassurance that I still mattered. Instead, he asked me how I was. How was I? I was going fucking crazy trying to figure out how I managed to drive him away. Not to mention that I had finals coming up and that I wanted to just forget about him for the time being because the amount of worrying I was doing could not be healthy.

Instead, I told him the fucking opposite.

I'm great. I hope you are too.

- Scarlett

He didn't reply. Of course he didn't reply.

A week after that, Dylan asked me out again. I said no again. He was still staying with us, so he left for a few hours and returned drunk as shit. He stayed away from me, thank goodness. It was finals week and I'd be damned if I let Dylan screw it up for me.

It's been a month since that entire incident, five weeks since I last had any sort of contact with Luke. I went home during that one month for my term break and I explained to my brother and my mom about what happened with Luke. They both laughed at first, but started to freak out when they realized I was serious. More like my brother was freaking out because he did not see this coming and my mother was sobbing as I told her the fate of our relationship, which is non-existent.

It was a month well spent visiting old friends and hanging out with my family. I miss them. I really do.

The only thing missing was, well, Luke.

Now, term break is over and I'm standing at the door to my apartment. I don't think I'm ready to go back in. I don't think I'm ready to go back to having to deal with assignments, Dylan, and all the usual college bullshit. Not after I've had an entire month to kick back and do whatever I want.

I unlock the door and immediately spot Dylan and Lynn. They're both sitting on the couch and watching reruns of Criminal Minds. I try to tug my luggage in with no noise, if possible, but I end up tripping over a stray shoe on the floor and I along with my luggage fall to the ground.

So much for being quiet.

Lynn and Dylan hardly have time to register that I'm back before running over to help me up. Lynn starts laughing when she sees my distressed face and gives me a hug, "I missed you and your clumsy ass so much!"

Dylan helps to pick up my luggage and smiles, "Welcome back to college life."

I groan as I pick myself up from the ground, "Welcome back to another round of assignments and exams."

Dylan gives me a hug and says, "It's good to have you back."

"I missed you guys too," I tell them. "How was your break?"

"I didn't go home," Dylan shrugs. Right. He stayed here because his mom is still mad at him and his dad doesn't really dare to speak up against his mom. Dylan has more freedom when he's staying here, anyway, so he doesn't really mind.

Part Of The Crowd // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now