2. Scalded

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Chapter 2

Was I supposed to feel threatened? I definitely did not. Any day before I would have hidden in the bathroom, but after I spoke up to The Arden Gang, I felt a major boost of confidence. I mean, since I’d already done the unthinkable, there was nothing left to fear, right?

So school went normally for me. I sat together with Erin when we had classes together, and would sit alone when I didn’t. Thankfully, The Arden Gang only had classes with me in the first and last period, and thankfully, Erin was with me in both.

I was not hiding behind her, or maybe I was. Because my parents (or parent) were no one in particular, I did not have any authority over people. Unlike Mrs. Parker who was a journalist, my mom ran a laundry shop which The Arden Gang sent their clothes to. It was difficult for her to make ends meet, especially after my useless dad ran off.

And because I wasn’t rich, nor did I have the looks, no one feared me; no one listened to me, and definitely not Arden. Which was why I was so thankful to have Erin as my back up. Everyone feared being blacklisted by her mom, Blair T. Parker, the best journalist there was in Wisconsin, so they all respected her and treated her nicely.

During lunch, Erin had to meet her group mates to plan for their final year Chemistry project so I was left alone. I didn’t mind as this wasn’t the first time. There were times when Erin had to leave early or settle some other stuff so I was left having lunch alone.

It was fine because no one bothered me. I was as good as invisible without Erin beside me, which was the way I liked it. I would keep my head down and sit at the back of the cafeteria, the emptiest part. And once I was done, I would leave and hang out at my locker till the bell rang, which wasn’t very long.

So today, I did the same thing. I queued up and paid for my chicken soup. It was the cheapest food on the menu and the only thing I could afford since I didn’t have much allowance. Still, I was thankful for it since it kept my stomach full for the rest of the day.

Walking to my seat, I was suddenly stopped and confronted by a group of boys. The Arden Gang. I gulped.

“Why why, Hale has no Parker to protect her now eh?” Zach mocked, while Craig smirked. They stared at me threateningly. Arden and Erik just stood there, watching me.

“What do you want?” I demanded.

“You and your best friend humiliated me in front of the class today. How are you going to pay for that?” Arden spoke, looking from me to his gang. “What do you think, guys, what should we do to her?” he asked them.

“What’s there to do?” Zachary said in amusement. “She’s already bad enough herself.”

Craig, stepped closer. He trailed his finger down my face to my lips.

“That’s not true. I see beauty in her. Maybe we could,” he leaned closer, his nose caressing my cheekbone as he continued. “Have some fun with her.”

I stiffened at that. Nooo way. No way am I gonna be ‘played’ by them.

“Leave me alone.” I half yelled as I pushed Craig’s face away.

He frowned, before laughing.

“Erik?” Arden asked, looking at him expectantly. He seemed pleased with Craig and Zach’s answer.

Erik turned to look at him, before turning back to look at me in silence. When it seemed like he wasn’t going to answer, Arden turned back to me.

“We’ll have so fun after school yeah, Princess? Catch you later!” He said with a bored tone as he pushed my tray up, splashing the hot chicken soup over me.

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