14. The National Library

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From Chapter 13

“Annabeth?” Erik said softly. “You okay?”

I looked at him as tears threatened to fall out of my eyes.

“Never been better, Erik. Never been better.”

Chapter 14

We left the carnival at exactly ten minutes to 5p.m. as Erik gave me a lift to the national library. It was a twenty minutes’ drive away from Middleton, but I couldn’t be bothered. So what if I was late, Arden hadn’t discussed the time with me in the first place.

But then, with Erik’s BMW and his skilful driving, we arrived at the library only five minutes late. I groaned as he pulled to a stop at the library’s entrance. I had one of the best day of the year today so far that I didn’t really want it to be ruined by meeting Arden.

Erik chuckled.

“It won’t be that bad.” He said.

“Ya think? That guy practically hates me.” I scowled at him, before removing the seatbelts and reaching for my bag.

“You don’t know.” Erik replied with a smirk.

“Oh, I do. Thanks for a great day Erik.” I said genuinely, leaning in to give him a brief hug. Though it was brief, I could feel the heat rising to my face as I breathed in his scent of citrus, and maybe a hint of vanilla.

“You’ve said that enough times, now quit stalling, Hale, you know you can’t run away from Ardy.” He mocked, but with a soft smile on his face.

I groaned and alighted, waving as Erik drove off. Then, reluctantly, I dragged my feet into the library, not realizing that Arden hadn’t say which part of the library to meet. I cursed under my breath, pulling out my cellphone to give him a call as I walked around, only to realize he wasn’t in my contacts. Damn, none of the Arden Gang had given me their number, how the heck was I supposed to reach him?

Walking around, I checked the travel section of the library since we had to do up an itinery for our project. He wasn’t there. I checked the world map’s section, he wasn’t there either. Giving up, I dropped onto the sofa by the entrance of the library, hoping maybe he wasn’t here yet and I would be able to catch him when he comes.

I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, someone was nudging me gently. Opening my eyes, confusion hit me when I realize I wasn’t at home. Where was I? Turning in the direction of the nudge, I yelped when I saw him. Arden was there, dressed in a black shirt and dark skinny jeans with his leather jacket over his left shoulder.

“Shh.. this is the library.” He said, standing up straight.

Events of the day registered in my mind and I jumped up, ready to give Arden Vander a good piece of my mind. Pulling him out the entrance, I stopped at a corner and folded my arms, glaring at him. He was a good five inches taller than me and I had to crane my neck up in order to look him in the eye.

“What?” he asked, nonchalantly, not meeting my eyes.

“Where the hell were you? I came on time and spent so long looking around for you but you were nowhere to be found.  Thought you might be late so I waited for you at the entrance till now.. what time is it anyway?” I glanced at my watch and my eyes widened when I saw the time. “9p.m.?!” I shrieked.

“Dare you say. I was here early and I had to do all the work.” He said, a blank look on his face.

“I couldn’t find you!”

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