11. Flithy hands

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From Chapter 10

I sucked in a deep breath, and pushed open the door.

Chapter 11

 The room was empty. I let out a huge breath I hadn’t realize I was holding. Erin wasn’t there. Erin wasn’t in any of the rooms. Thank god. But then, where was she?

“You can relax now, no sign of Parker or Craig.” Arden said, closing the door behind us and walking back to the stairs. I had to run to keep up with him.

“Then where are they?” I asked.

He stopped suddenly, making me bang into him. Crap, his shoulder was so hard I think I was gonna get a bruise. Turning back, he had a scowl on his face.

“What am I? A psychic?” he said sarcastically.

Oh right, i giggled.

“Psycho more likely.” I mumbled, thinking he wouldn’t be able to hear me. Afterall, we were near the stairs and the music was booming directly two floors below.

“What did you say?” Arden demanded, taking a step closer.

I swallowed, my natural instincts making me take a step back, meeting the wall.

With an evil smirk, Arden took another step closer, placing both his hands against the wall, on both sides of my face. His face was just inches from mine and this close, I could see just how fine this boy’s facial features were. His nose was sharp and angular, and his eyes, they were actually a darker shade of green than I thought when I saw him from afar. His lips were red, like lip-stick red, though from experience as a girl I knew it was natural and not lipstick.

And his eyelashes, they almost as long as mine, but thicker, making it look more beautiful. He was so close, if only I leaned forward a little....

“Never seen a handsome face before?” He whispered, breaking my out of my daydream. The smirk was still on his face. 

I gulped and looked away, disappointed in myself. If he hadn’t spoken, I probably would have kissed him. What was wrong with me, I felt like a whore. I've always hated his arrogance, how could I even be attracted to him? I was becoming more and more like the kind of girls Erica and Paige were, judging people based on their looks.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Alexandra and some of the girls I didn’t know coming up the stairs, and when they saw us, they gasped in unison, eyes widening, before hurrying back down the stairs, ready to spread the news.

Damn, my life was over. They wouldn’t let this go. I had stolen their prince (I mentally gagged at that word) and they weren’t gonna let me get away.

Groaning, I leaned my head against the wall, banging it my accident. I let out an exaggerated sigh, too troubled to care about my head. I was in greater trouble.

Arden’s smirk grew wider. Could this guy be any more sadistic?

“I’m no Edward Cullen, Hale. You don’t have to bare your neck to me like that, I won’t turn you into a vampire.” He mocked. “Besides, only you like me, I don’t like you back.”

I scowled at him, using all my strength to push the jerk away, but not surprisingly, he didn’t move even an inch. I tried pushing his head, but the result was still the same.

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