The Stranger

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Everything seemed weird that moment, but I knew that my feelings towards him would change my whole 7th grade year forever. But the question that kept running in my mind was "Is it right for me to love the bad boy?"


"Come on honey, you are going to be late for your first day at school!" yelled Mom from downstairs.

"I'll be there in a minute," I said while getting up from my comfy bed.

Uhh. I hated having to move right in the middle of spring. Curse my parent's stupid job promotion. If only they didn't accept the promotion, I would still be in Utah!

I didn't want to leave my old school, and I didnt want to leave my best friend Maya. But, what could I do? Well, nothing because we were already here in Florida.

I hated this but I had to do this, so after I got up from my comfy queen sized bed, I went to take a shower. I got out of my bathroom and put on my best first-day-of-school-in-the-middle-of-spring-in-a-new-school type of clothes.

I got my school bag and headed downstairs. As I was stepping down the last stair, I heard my mom and dad talking to someone very unfamiliar.

I headed to the kitchen and got myself some toast and milk. Yum.

I was heading towards the back door because I didn't want to interrupt my parents with their visitor. I was about to head out, but someone grabbed my wrist. I turned to see who it was, and it was my mom.

"Oh Cathy, why don't you come meet our visitor," said my mom with a smile that for some very weird reason made me wonder what was going on.

"Um sure I guess," I  said with a confused look.

I went to the living room and I saw a nice figure: it was a very cute boy with brown hair, brown hazel eyes, and he seemed like my age.

My mom snapped her finger and got me out of my thoughts and she said, "Cathy I want you to meet our new neighbor his name is De--" she was cut off by my phone ringing with a text message from Maya.

"I'm so sorry guys but I have to answer this text. I'm sorry, I'll see you guys after school," I said planting a soft kiss on both my parent's cheeks.

I started heading off to the bus stop.

All of a sudden I was happy because I had just kind of met the cutiest boy and I got a message from my best freind!

Well I texted her back and started getting up on the bus. I know that since my parents are rich and all, I should be riding in like a limo, but for once I decided to feel like a normal ordinary girl.

The bus stopped at a middle school and I got off of the bus and took a deep breath before going inside the bulidng. Gush there were a lot of kids outside. I went in and tried to find the office which luckily I did.

The office lady gave me my schedule and I headed off to the lockers to get a head start on finding my way and getting used to all this. I went around trying to look for my locker number.

Well as lucky as I was this morning on finding the office, I actually found my locker and started stuffing all my books. As soon as I was done, I heared the bell ring, and everyone started  shoving their way in. That was also when I felt a pair of arms tug at my waist. Gush!

We're just 7th graders, no need to get all touchy touchy.

"Get your filthy hands off me you stupid stranger," I yelled uncontrollably.

And then everyone stopped and stared at me and the stranger.

7th Grade Bad Boy(Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant