-_-?? 'Over' ??-_-

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"What the fuck Adam!" I say half yelling at him.

"What?" he asks looking confused.

" You know perfectly," I say not yelling that much because we were getting near our house and I didn't want my parents to hear me yelling.

"What? Are you mad at me because I'm your boyfriend and I don't like seeing you with other boys," he says calmly too.

"I don't care if you don't like me being around with other boys and if your gonna be fucking jealous, then I think we should just break up," I said without hesitation. :)

"Fine then bitch; if you think I'm so jealous then we are done," said Adam.

"That's fine with me," I said a little bit happy.

Ok stupid bitch I'm leaving," said Adam.

And with that, he left and started heading to his house. I entered my house and checked to see if my family was here. Nope!!! No one was here except for my older brother( YES SHE HAS AN OLDER BROTHER) he's 16 years old and yes he is the most annoying brother ever.

"Hey sista, how you doing?" asked Austin.

"Oh shut up!" I said really annoyed with his new kindness.

" Geez I'm just trying to be nice," said Austin faking to be hurt.

"Oh ok hi my sweet charming nice brother, I'm good and you?" I said with the most sarcasm I had.

"Hahaha you're funny sis," said Austin with a little bit of sarcasm too.

"Um hey where are mom and dad?" I asked.

"Oh yeah uh.... they said they were gonna go out to dinner with the neighbors next door," said Austin.

"Oh ok," I said and started walking up to my room.

Once I had gotten to my room, I opened the door and then I plopped myself on my bed. I started to just stare and think about me and Devin. What exactly did he want to tell me? Then my thoughts went back to what happened with me and Adam. Why, why do I still feel something for him. Ok I admit that I'm still in love with Adam and it hurt me even more that he called me a bitch. :..( I started to cry and then they turned to sobs. I wanted Adam back but part of me didn't. Why am I so complicated.

********THE NEXT DAY********

"Wake up you sleepy head," said my brother jumping on my bed.

"Seriously you have problems," I said groaning and falling back to sleep.

"Oh no missy, you have to get up and plus I get to take you to school today," said Austin grinning.

"Uh ok fine," I said getting up and looking for clothes in my closet.

I decides to wear a gray shirt with pink cheeta dots and a pair of miss me jeans with my black vans. Then I went into the bathroom brushed my hair and my teeth and started to go downstairs to were Austin was waiting. Only there was one slight problem, he was with Devin.

What the heck is Devin doing here.

"Uh hwy Cathy, your bro offered to take me to school said Devin smirking at me.

"Oh how nice now I get to be in the same car with two dumbass boys," I said.

"I call shot gun," said Devin.

"Ok fine," I said.

"First stop my school.... oh wait no sorry your school right?" said my brother.

"Hahaha very funny," I said.

********15 MINUTES LATER********

"Thanks," said Devin.

"You're welcome bro," said my brother.

"Toodles," I said closing my door.

"Bye," said Austin.

"So uh what did you need to tell me yesterday?" I asked.

"Oh uh it was nothing.... really it was UB nothing at all just forget about it," said Devin a little nervously.

"Ok fine, oh and by the way, Adam and I broke up," I said and left him not wanting to see his reaction.


7th Grade Bad Boy(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now