Family Day

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Now, I don't know shit about whatever the creatures we rescued were, but one thing that was clear to me was that whatever liquid they were floating in when we found them was some form of pain killers because it wasn't long after we boarded the Chinook that they started to suffer, even though they were doing a pretty good job of hiding it, I could still tell. My best guess as to why is because they thought since we had already spared them once against my will, that I wouldn't be willing to help them on top of it. Let me just say that at first, I wasn't. But Arnett couldn't stand to see them suffering and started trying to help, which was a bad choice for her. She must have been allergic to something in the blood, because the little bit she got on her paws made the scales on them start sliding off. So where did this leave the team? Well, I was the only other on the team that had medical knowledge that even began to compare to Arnett's, so while Nina bandaged her paws, she had to tell me what to do, since I didn't have the same reaction to the blood that she did. There is a reason that the only doctor I ever wanted to be was a doctor for sports cars. When your trying to close a hole in someone's chest so big you can see their heart beating, now that shit gets to you. When I finally managed to get the hole closed off, I gave him the biggest dose of morphine that Arnett and I could both agree was safe and then used a drug I can't tell you the name of because reasons to put him to sleep. Now, his sister wasn't suffering as badly as he was, because she wasn't missing all the flesh on her chest, but I'm willing to bet my tail that third degree burns and a back leg that looked like someone had carved it with a hunting knife still hurt like a mother fucker.

Arnett and I made short work of her injuries and put her to sleep as well for the remainder of the 15 hour fly back to area 29. When we finally did touch down, the sun was baking the black tarmac with all the force of ten thousand suns of misery. Morningstar and the Prof were waiting for us on the strip with his Veyron throwing it's blue glow all over the place.

"Let me see them Ace", Green said cutting straight to the chase. I had radioed ahead a few hours before we landed and told him that we had recovered two of Black River's creatures and killed a third. I had also done the best I could to describe what the one we fought looked like, which left Green scratching his head and apparently antsy for us to return.

"I don't think that their awake Prof", I said stepping back into the Chinook, pointing to the back where only the male was awake, "well, both of them any way."

'Where are we?", he asked, his voice soundly only slightly better than it had.

"Area 29", the professor said, "Ace told me over the radio you were hurt, so please try not to talk, there's a medical team on the way, they'll take care of your sister."

"Please don't cut us apart like they were", he said, sounding as though he was about to cry with the thought, "I can't handle any more knives!"

"Cut you apart?", the professor asked, "what do you mean?"

"Those people", he said tears streaking down his face, "the men with the white coats. They kept bleeding us, cutting our sink off, it just went on, and on, and on and they wouldn't stop!"

"I promise I won't go anywhere near you or your friend with any knives", Green said as the two Korean Doctors showed up, "and if I do, I also promise that it will only be to help, not to hurt. You can trust us here."

The male didn't reply. Nina and I had to help Green and the Docs take the two of them to the infirmary where green instantly set on treating their injures. I wasn't sure why I so...concerned about this. What was off here? I sat in the infirmary for an hour or two before I got tired of waiting and went back to the barracks to play Minecraft. 1.9.0 had come out about two or so months back and at first, I had hated it because it ruined my texture pack, but I eventually got used to it and realized it was awesome. I had just barely gotten my PC booted when Carlos came in, a big grin on his face.

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