Project X-03

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The fly back to Area 29 was tense as fuck. Everyone's finger was just one nervous twitch away from the triggers as our prisoner tried to brake free, convinced that we didn't know he was trying when in reality I'd known he was working at the cuff's I'd put him in the moment the Chinook lifted off. It was for that reason that I'd gotten Void and Navi to hold him down while I moved the cuffs in front of him so I could keep an eye on his hands. When we touched down at A29 the early the next morning, I found that Carlos was getting, Calen, Citrus, Rachel and Austin ready for the 12 mile road march. They seemed to have just finished weighing their rucks when John's plane touched down. I handed the fancy motherboard off to Mako who rushed into the dome, still fully equipped, to analyze and tear it apart, like Mako does to everything that has a computer chip in it, which left me with the cockhead captain.

"Oh look", I said grabbing Deimos by the collar, "were back, get yo' bitch ass up and moving."

The captured Black River Captain moved, but reluctantly and with a sick grin and sense of self worth.

"You can still avoid retaliation", Deimos said, "Black River will negotiate my release and in return I'll only kill one of you."

"Black River ain't coming you arrogant little cumstain", Hunter spat, "this is Death Valley, the little RFID chip in your hand can't get a signal out. Assuming of course the Nooks 8 electric motors didn't fry it. As for killing us, go get a 20mm Long Range Rifle and MAYBE you'll have a chance."

You could literally feel the man's pride and sense of self worth brake into a million tiny slivers. He knew now he was trapped in the dragon's den, literally, with no way out.

"I hope it was worth it shit for brains", I said, "that money ain't doing you any good now is it? Get this ass hat out of my sight, Hunter, you know where we take prisoners. Taro, Void, Navi, go with him. Jayden, go find a place near the ware house to make yourself comfortable in case buckboard here decides it's time to run"

"Got ya", Jayden said taking off his helmet and walking off towards the rocks where we practiced flight. Nina and I left our gear at the armory and she changed into normal fatigues while I pulled on boots, pants and a green, sleeveless shirt, almost taking the bandage off my chest. Nina went back to the barracks while I went to get the hole inspected. Doctor sun thankfully told me that it would be fine without any intervention and that I was free to return to what I was doing.

So in light of this, I went straight for the hangar. I found the mechanics working on Morningstar's Veyron, Taro, as always was sitting in a folding chair in the bed of the Ford, Hunter was on the tail gate and Void and Navi were laying beside each other against the Semi. Hunter was standing outside the tool shed, looking in on the man who was trying to work through his restraints.

"Think we can get him to talk?", I asked.

"If you try out a quarter of the tactics you were thinking of using on me, yeah, no problem", Hunter said, "this guy's sense of self worth is so bloated that any thought of harm would make him crack like an egg."

"Let's see if we can wait to resort to violence", I said, "I don't need to do something seriously fucked up to this guy and then get caught myself. Scars are cool in all, but fuck the pain to get them."

"Show mercy?", Hunter asked, "why? They wouldn't show you any, you weren't ready to show me any and we didn't show any to that fuckhead who killed my pup."

"I see no need to sink to their level", I said, "now having said that, no one said I can't use fear as a weapon. Taro, go get me a few large pizzas, one plain cheese, the rest however you like, when you get back, bring the cheese one to the shed, tap on the door and go, ding ding, room service, I got an idea."

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