T W E N T Y - N I N E

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For the next 30 minutes or so, the living room is transformed into a makeshift hospital. With Johnny and Ponyboy's help, I covered the couches with old blankets that would be fine if they got stained. I flitted around, tending to all of my boys as needed.

Steve had a swollen lip, a bloody nose, and busted knuckles, so after I cleaned his hand up, I gave him ice cubes wrapped up in a cold washcloth to hold against his mouth for as long as he could stand it to help take the swelling down.

Sodapop and Dallas both had bruised faces and sore ribs. I run my fingers gently over their sides, feeling to make sure that none of the ribs were actually broken out of place. Neither them have any broken, so I give them each ice packs and instruct them to find someplace to lie down. Soda retreats to his room and Dallas spreads out across one of the now-empty couches.

Two-Bit was as drunk as can be, so he didn't really even realize that he was hurt. I patch his cut-up cheek with gauze and medical tape before giving him a big glass of water to sober him up a little bit.

I kneel beside Darrel, knowing that he had the least amount of injuries out of all of them. I had saved him for last for this reason, knowing that the other boys needed to be checked on first.

After kissing his bruised knuckles, I gently run a cool cloth over his forehead, clearing it of the blood surrounding a shallow cut and I put a skinny band-aid over it. I lean up, running my fingers down his cheek before resting my hand on his shoulder. I gently press my lips against the band-aid, something my mother always used to when I was younger anytime I got hurt. When my mother's sweet actions flash through my mind, I begin to wonder.

Where is she?
Is she safe?
Is she happy?
... Does she miss me?

I let out a small sigh as the tears sting at the corners of my eyes. Darry doesn't say anything when he sees my teary eyes, merely tugging me onto his lap despite my protests of him being hurt. He just holds me close for a few minutes and I silently allow a few tears to fall from my eyes, dripping into his t-shirt.

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