Part I - Nope, Not Happening

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Summary: A self-insert into the Narutoverse. No one simply falls into another world. It doesn't happen. Not normally, at least. Not even rarely. It's an effect, not a cause. I should have known that. The signs were there. The warnings were clear. I should have paid attention. No one falls into another world. No one falls into another world, and returns, I should say. Because I fell, and returning was impossible.

Disclaimer: Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just violating it.

First Beta: featherstofly

Second Beta: Lavendor Queen

Editor: Sansho


Let me make this perfectly clear.

No one simply falls into another world.

One does not lounge about the couch like any other normal day, watch T.V., and suddenly it's the Ring in reverse. There are no erratic pockets of blue portals, or black holes conveniently placed so that they're floating around Earth. A bolt of lightning isn't going to magically flash you elsewhere. When you die, you aren't going to pop back up, perfectly alive in a whole other realm (or at least I don't think you do). The universe will not rip a hole in the fragile dimensions of space and time only to push someone through at complete random.

Whatever supernatural force, be it God, Shinigami, Jashin, or whoever else, will not aimlessly select a normal person to be the first cross-dimensional ambassador without their consent. Two of the listed above actually do believe in free will, after all, and why the hell would Jashin care about an average and plain person? He seems more likely the type to pick some crazed mass murderer with a flair for dramatic deaths.

The point is, it just does not happen.

Not like that, anyway.

It shouldn't even happen in the first place, really. It's such an absurd idea that if you personally weren't the one experiencing everything, I doubt you would believe it. It would only be some interesting story to you, correct?

It's not.

To me, it's not.

It's horrifying. It's exhilarating. It's damning. It's freeing.

And I got so damn lucky when it did occur to me.

Returning to the point, however; it simply does not just happen. How it decides—how it begins, even now I'm not sure. I've never discovered with certainty the whys and hows. More than likely it was all about being at the right place, at the right time.


My first encounter with the 'other world' was when I was eight and a half.

I wasn't anywhere special, unlike most stories would typically start off as.

I was sitting right in my room.

Right at my bed.

Right before bedtime.

The lights were off, and doors shut. Toys were put away, and clothes scattered about the floor. The window curtains were spread open, allowing the barest of moonlight to creep into the small bedroom.

I had cracked my window open a tiny portion, and I could hear the crickets singing their muse. My family lived on a farm, in a quiet little town. Papa was a mechanic, and Grandpoppy was a farmer his entire life. When Grandmommy passed away, Papa moved us to stay with Grandpoppy and help tend to the farm.

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