Du nuh nuh nuh Batman

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"I heard you have a new team member, why wasn't I informed immediately?"
"I am sorry, it was a rash decision but not one that I regret, let me introduce you to the newest member of our team, Batman, this is Nightwing." Aqualad said gesturing to me.
I tossed out a fake smile and said,
"Nice to meet you Batman, I've heard a lot."

He nodded, "Nightwing, from Bludhaven, active for the last five years, put away a lot of criminals, impressive record."

I think that was the first compliment he had ever given me.


"Thank you."

He didn't reply, just gave me a curt nod and turned to Tim,

"I have reports that the Joker is up to something, let's go."

Then he turned and left, leaving me standing there unsure how to feel, and Tim scurrying after him just like I used to.

I was going to call it a night and go back to Bludhaven when Aqualad said,

"I almost forgot, you have a room here, Kid Flash, can you show him? I have to discuss something with Aquaman."

"Of course, come on Nightwing." Wally said good naturedly.

We walked down the hall and passed a few rooms, one of them being my old one, before we got to the one right next to Wally's,

"Were neighbors!" He told me with a smile.

"Cool." I said as we walked into my new room, the door automatically sliding shut behind us.

He studied me for a moment before saying, "Okay, what's your deal?"

"What deal?"

"You just show up, you clearly know Barbara, you fight just like an old friend of mine, somehow you know your way around here, and honestly, it feels like you know me, but I think I'd remember if we'd met before." He said that last part with a suspiciously flirty tone that really threw me, more so than his observations.

"Well, I do know Barbara, I hacked your schematics, I fight the way I fight, nothing I can do about that, and I think I just remind you of someone."

I could've told him, I should've told him, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"You have an answer for everything, and yes, you do remind me of someone, someone I really cared about." He said softly, looking at me with some emotion in his eye I didn't want to name, it was gone pretty quickly though, replaced with something else I wasn't sure I wanted to confront.

He gave a low growl before saying, "you are just way too pretty," and shoving me against the wall, pressing his lips to mine before I even had time to react.

~Author's note
Hey guys! Sorry about the wait, first I had a little writers block and then Spring Quarter just started Bio is kicking my ass;) Anyhow hope you guys enjoy, would love to hear some feedback, and if you don't follow me, well you should cause I'm super cool and I will follow back the first one of my followers that can name all the robins and tell me what they are doing currently, and please don't cheat, it's very rude, and I will know because I'm magic.

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