Chapter one

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Hi, this is Sadie and once again we never saw it coming. I mean seriously, you'd think we'd get a little peace after we defeated Apophis, but no. (Carter's telling me to get on with the story, well excuse me for explaining [ Now will you please shut up brother dear?Yes?

thanks]) Anyways, it all started when we got unexplained magic signals from Long Island. When I told Carter about the Long Island part, he seemed to get a bit uneasy,I wonder why.So any way I didn't want to tell Amos as he wouldn't let us do anything, so me, Carter, Walt and Zia went on Freak tried to go towards the empire state building.Keyword: tried. The ropes might have got hit by lightning. (Yes Carter, I'm getting to that part, now shut up and let me continue!) when the ropes got hit Freak, well, he freaked out and went crazy.When we fell, I swore I saw a Pegasus with a teenager on it.Turns out,I wasn't crazy, there was an actual Pegasus and there wasn't just one there were four and each one had a teenager on it.they were all pure white,except for one that was pure black .Freak caught everyone but me, mangy bird brain, the one that caught me was white and had a girl on it with blond curly hair and stormy grey eyes. I was immediately on guard, people don't just save you without reason. Carter, Zia and Walt were caught by Freak the other three teenagers looked relieved. Once we landed I rushed over to Walt Carter and Zia to see if everyone was ok. When I was done with that, I then asked who the people who'd saved us were. "Who are you?" Cater and I asked at the same time. The girl who'd saved me said, " I'm Annabeth and this is Percy," she said gesturing to a guy with black hair and sea green eyes, " this is Piper," again gesturing to a teenager, this time a girl with choppy

brown hair and multi colored eyes," and this is Leo." Annabeth finished pointing to a boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes, he flashed me and Zia a quick grin then fished some stuff out of his pocket and started building something." Cool.I'm Sadie, this is Carter, my extremely dorky brother, my boyfriend Walt and my brothersgirlfriend Zia." What Annabeth said next surprised me by saying, "we were sent on a mission to find you four" we all took out or staffs and wands ( me and Zia), crook and flail (Carter), our in Walts case readied his hands and was ready to wrap them in l linen ( takes some getting use to). "Why do you need us?" I asked. Percy,I think, replied," Our teacher told us we need to capture who I met while taking on the crocodile." I turned to Carter and yelled," CARTER YOU IDIOT, WHY DID YOU TELL THEM YOUR NAME! YOU OF ALL PEOPLE KNOW NAMES HAVE POWER! I'M CONSIDERING TELLING ZIA YOUR SECRET NAME!!!" he paled and winced at that, but Zia was absolutely glowing, " YES! I can finally force him to go shopping with us!" Ok, I'll admit, that was pretty funny. I of course took this as an opportunity to tell Walt through my shen necklace, " Quick, wrap them in linen so we can get away!" they of course dodged it and then Annabeth attacked me. That drew the line, I turned her into a hamster, I know, I know, very creative. Then that drew the line for Percy, and then he attacked me, so I turned him into a hamster too. Then I passed out, stupid over usage of magic rules. when I came to, we were at a strawberry field and everyone was passed out with Piper and Leo guarding us, both of them holding a hamster. (I know Carter, it was quiet funny, now shut up!) I crawled over to Carter and tried to wake him up, let's just say I gave up pretty quickly. I moved on to Zia, this will be fun... I whispered, "Maw" and water poured onto her, what got Piper and Leo's attention was when Zia screamed, "GOD WAS THAT NECESSARY?" " No, it was revenge" I replied. she groaned then Leo summoned fire to his hands. OK. "Are we supposed to be scared" Zia asked "A little" Leo replied. just to see how he would react,I summoned a little fire myself. Piper and Leo screamed, me and Zia laughed. a lot.We were rolling on the ground.They asked," Will you turn our friends back please" we pretty much continued laughing and hugging our stomach. they looked furious, but Piper recovered first. she asked with a new tone in her voice that was sweet and made you want to do it, " Turn our friends back now" "It's still a no." she looked shocked," you-you resisted charmspeak" Que the confusion. "Whatever, now let us go, then we might be a little more compelled to turn your friends back." I said. The pair sighed, I'm not sure if it was in defeat our exasperation. "We can't let you go, that would mean we failed our mission." Leo explained. "Well to bad, we have to complete our mission which you ever do rudely got in the way of." Carter, who had just came to said. Wow, great timing Carter. Next thing I know is piper and Leo were gagged and bound with mummy linen. Yay, Walt's up and he's in a bad mood.Zia turned her vulture amulet into an actual vulture for her and Walt, Carter turned into a falcon and I turned into a kite (the bird kind) and we headed to Brooklyn house and at the time it didn't over to us, they might have been the source of magic. I hope Annabeth and Percy turned back into human,I thought it was a temporary spell...


I have a new found respect for the Wattpad authors that take forever to update.writing this one chapter was hard! So next chapter is Percy! Yay, this will be fun, we hear his opinion on being turned into a rodent (again) now for the disclaimer: I own none of these wonderful characters Rick Riordan does!

- Lindsey

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