Chapter 2

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OK. So I found Carter who apparently had a sister who was in a mood, fun. So as I was I hamster form, which at first freaked me out, but I got over it, I knew there was something off about the bunch. Somthing Chiron was hiding. I soon was brought some bad news after Leo burned through his and Pipers linens, when Piper told us what happened. Of corse, they turned into birds, typical. Suddenly, I relized that I was human again, and so was Annabeth! I looked ar Leo and asked, " was there anything strange about them?" Piper replied fot him, "Well i heard Walt whispering 'Shut up Anubis''" "Whats Anubis?" Leo asked "Hes the egyption god of funerals and death." Annabeth replied. "Wait, what? " Everyone asked at once. " Why dont we call Chiron" Piper suggested. I immidiatly started creating mist while Annabeth got out a dracma, through the rainbow and said, " Oh Iris, godess of the rainbow please except my offering. Show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood." The image shimmered and Chiron appeared in the mist. "CHIRON!" we all screamed. He whirled around and I immidiatly asked, "Do you know why one of the kids we were supposed to capture kept whispering to him self, ' Shut up Anubis'?" Chirons eyes widened when he said 'Anubis'. He sighed and said," Children, the boy who said that belongs to the Egyptian house of life. He is Walt Stone, eye of anubis. Sadie Kane is eye of Isis. Her brother, Carter, is eye of Horus and is Pharoh of the House of Life. Zia is eye of Ra.The Egyptian gods and godess are real." and with that he ended the Iris message. Ok, so the egyptian gods are real, what else is new? " Ok, so we need to find them and take them to camp. Hopefully we get to see where they train as well." I said. Frank would be great right now, maybe turn into a hound dog. To bad he was at Camp Jupiter with Hazle and Jason. Then I had an idea. "Hey, what if we called down the rest of the seven to help us with this? Oh, and Nico." I said. Piper squealed with a huge smile on her face, Annabeth smiled, and Leo burst into flames. So thats a yes from everyone, time to tell Chiron.This time we went back to camp and told Chiron, who thought it was a good idea.Now time to Iris Message them. Once we got a hold of them they seemed thrilled with the idea of coming back to Camp Half Blood. They immediately went through the portal built after the giant war because we made peace and we now like e each other.And I know what your thinking, why didn't we use it to get the them, well the thing is, it has a six hour recharge.So after the happy reunion, we told them the whole thing that was going on. " Oh. Wow. So what are we supposed to do now?" Hazel said. "Well, isn't it obvious? We need to track them down." I said. But they was really no need, as I remembered the thing Carter out on my hand that I had just thought of. I said "Carter" . There was a blue flash of light and he, Sadie, Walt and Zia were there. "Carter. you have five seconds to run before I kill you." Sadie said. I had already got the Pegasus ready and we were ready to go. Carter and Sadie turned into birds and Zia got her vultureand we took off.we followed them all the way to a huge mansion on top p of a warehouse and we went in. When we got in, we saw many kids there. They were anywhere from the age of five to nineteen by the looks of it. Then, right on the balcony was the baby crocodile, wow,, that brought back memories. Immediately some of the smallest kids yelled, "Sadie, there are new recruits!" in twenty seconds flat, Sadie came bounding down a stair case. She saw us and smiled, "Well I see you've gotten out ok g of hamster form! How was that by the way?" she asked mockingly. I swear, if looks could kill Sadie would be dead, but she didn't look scared at all. Frank was actually so mad, he turned into a red snake. Everyone watching screamed bloody murder, that is, except Sadie. One little girl a asked Sadie, "Kill?" Sadie shook her head signaling no.we told Frank to turn back, and Sadie and everyone else looked like they could kill him.Sadie looked shaken up and she called Carter. When he came down he said, "Ok.Who made Sadie freak out?" Frank raised his hand and Carter sighed, "What did you do?" " I turned into a red snake." Frank replied. " Oh no. That would freak everyone out." he replied. He must've seen all our confused faces because he just shook his head as if to say, 'Don't ask'. ok, whatever. " What are you here for this time?" he asked. " Well, we followed you here and we need you and your sister to come with us. Oh, and also Zia and Walt." I said. He sighed and said, "If we go, will you promise not to hurt anyone involved with us?" we all nodded enthusiastically. He called everyone down and we headed back to Camp.


Yay! Finally done with the second chapter! if there are any request on who's POV to do next. If I get no request then I'll do Piper or Hazel. so yea.and I want to let you know how hard this chapter was.


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