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As soon as  said those few words, Luke came over, wide eyed, and said, "But that has never been done before! Its impossible and probably suicidal!" I smirked, "You've never met me have you? I'm Sadie Kane! Nothing is impossible for me! Impossible is my middle name!" He looked at me like I had lost all sanity. Which I suppose I have at this point. "Just let me talk to Isis real quick to see if she thinks its possible." I said. Yoohoo, Isis. Yes Sadie? Is it possible to make a spell to free Luke over here from Kronos, eternally? Yes, iit is possible, but first you must get his permission to do so, then, assuming he gives you his permission,all you do is say your two favorite command words, then he's free! OK, thats not so hard, My two favorite commands are Ha-di and Hi-nem.easy.Thanks Isis!  No problem Sadie, bye. Bye Isis. OK, so sometimes I don't like Isis? But right now, I love her! " Ok, so Isis said that first I need your permssion first, then I just say my two favorite command words and boom, your free." He sat there and gaped then said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! So what are your two favorite commany words?" Ummm, should I tell him one of my favorite spells is destroy.... Probably... " Ha-di, which is destroy, and Hi-nem, whis is the fix of that command." He sat there, dumbfounded that I was goining to cast a destroy spell on him. He finally blew, " ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOUR GOING TO CAST A DESTROY SPELL ON ME?REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?" And theres the reaction.......  "Relax! It's followed up bye the fixing spell?! That will fix you!" hopefully....





(Haha, bet you didn't see that coming!)

Is this chick crazy? Hmmm, I guess she's right though, The reverse spell will fix me right up...... I took a deep breath and said, "I, Luke Castellan, give you permssion to free me from Kronos, eternally." She grins widely, when her form flickers. She turns into a beautiful women with shoulder length black hair and glittering rainbow wings. The strange women said," I, Isis, free you, Luke Castellan, from Kronos, eternally with the help of my host." then she flashed out and Sadie was back. "Wha just happened?" I exclaimed. "Your free of Kronos now. Isis told me that I had to cast my two favorte spells so I could convince you that too. In reality, it was all a trust test. You had to trust me to cast the spells to free you from Kronos. Don't you feel better now?" Now that I thought about it, yes, I did feel better. I feel free, like I can say whatever I want whenever I want. "Ya, I do feel better. I feel free. I might be able to get you out of here." She smiled and said "Well lets get going then, shall we?" I fins Apophis andact like I'm still Kronos' host. "Apophis, I am taking our prisoner out for a walk. I'll see if I can get her to shut up, she won't stop complaining about her corner." I say, doing my best Kronos voice . "Ok Kronos. Please shut her up, she keeps sending Isis over to annoy me."  Apophis says as a look of irritation flashed across his face. I nod walk over to Sadie, who was being a really good actress, and said, still in my Kronos voice, "Stand up girl!"  she faked a look of terror and quickly stood up, like if she didn't she would recieve more torcher. I took the quickest way out and Sadie said, "Ok, get me to an egyptian monument so I can telaport us to the Argo II." I nod. It's a good thing that theres one just outside of the cave that Apophis insisted on havin. I found a problem kind of quickly, "Wait, is there an egyptian monument on the Argo II?" She just smirks and nods. We finally get to the monument, right at noon. Perfect t iming. Sadie quickly makes a portal and next th ing I know, we're on a ship. I here many gasps, and everyone rushes to Sadie to give her a hug. Oh, by the way, I'm hiding behind the curtains, or was, since Sadie just ripped away the curtains."LUKE?!?!" Everyone exclaims, except 8 people, Sadie included. Well one of them was passed out so....









We were all sitting in front of the mini obliske (spelling?) with Lindsey, trying to figure out what to do next. We all figured that she had to be pretty powerful. Turns out we were right. On the football feild, just by whispering some egyptian spell, she destroyed the Argo II then repaired it just by waving her hand! All the egyptians were in shock, as not alot of people could do that.So while we were at the obliske we were talking when Zias eyes widend in rememberance and she quickly called Lindsey to a differant room. It sounded like an important discussion, so I didn't want t o pry at the moment, I'll just interrogate them later. They came back into the room and you could just see how confused Zia was. "Care to share?" I ask. Lindsey and Zia seem to have an argument with there eyes. Lindsey won, that girls glare is scarier than Percys! "Fine, this may be a shock, but, Lindsey is your half sister." Carter fainted just as a flash came and Sadie appeared. We all gasp at how bad she looks before we all tackle her in a hug. When we're done squeezing her to death, she walks over to some curtains and pulls them back. Someone  I kew all to well. "LUKE?!?!"

8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888Hey guys! So I I know, this is a sucky chappie.I need some new material. Anyways, I will also probably update on friday soooo.... ya thats bout it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!!! Oh, also, comment suggestions, what you got for christmas, you get the point.






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