Gaea Comes Back

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I will say it with no shame. As soon as I got up there I nearly had a heart attack. It was a huge shrimp monster. I readied my hands and shot linin around it's eyes so it was temporarily blinded. That bought us 5 seconds. The tenticals flew around rapidly and while I was helping Carter up (He had fallen due to a wild tentical) A tentical caught me in the head and I passes out. The worst ba dream I'd ever had came on.
"Sadie Kane. We would torcher you with our daily routine but we have a special, more permenant type of torcher planned." Apophis said. Sadies eyes widen in fear as a column of dirt comes to life in the shape of a woman. "Oh my dear Sadie. That prophecy was a fake, may I start. Th real prophecy says
Fifteen shall go west
To fight threats combined
Thought to be dead revived
Half-blood and magicians fight
Earth, Chaos, and the fallen titan
Son of seas choice decides
If war still stands."
Sadie sat there, her expression much like mine, shock. Gaea laughs, "That oracal was given a fake prophecy by me. And the best thing is, no one will know until they get here. And the other best part, I'll be in YOUR body. You wil give me the power I need, little miss magician." Sadie snarls, "Over my dead body! I will never host you. Besides. I am already hosting Isis." She smiles in triumph. "Sadie, Sadie, Sadie. I'm not even gonna use you full time. Just until they get here. They get here, I talk for a bit, then I drop you. Isis will save you, yes, but the problem is, you will be unconcious during the fight. They need all 15 people for them to defeat me." It all sinks in. The lady disappears, and Sadie collapses. Sadie wakes up, but when her eyes open, they aren't blue. They're green. and her clothes transform into a green dress that shifts, as if made of trees in the sunlight. She maks a face. Sadie talks, but its not her voice. It's the voice of an older women, "Ugh. The little brat won't stop talking to me in her head. She keeps talking about how Walt and Carter will kill me. Little brat." The dream fades."

I wake up in the infermary and the 13 that are left on the boat are with me. Carter looked at me and said, "Ba dreams?" "No, ba dream. Only one. But it will be what saves us." Percy looks at me and saw my seriousness (A.N. is that a word? Lol, who cares?) and said, "Meeting in 1 hour"


Worst hour of my life. It gave me more time to think about the prophecy, the strange women, and everything else. I sighed, got off my bed, and walked to our meeting place. Eveyone was there when I got there. I sat down and said, "So I had a ba dream when I was passed out. And it showed me Sadie in a cave. She was gonna get torchered more, but the y decided on something else instead of that. A lady showed up and told her that Rachel gave us a fake prophecy because the lady made her give us a fake prophecy." I recited the prophecy. After a breif silence I spoke up again, "Then, the lady said that we wouldn't know until we got ther. Then she said that the best part was that she would be in Sadies body. She said she would talk a little then get out. Isis will heal her, but she will be unconcious the whole battle. Then the lady disappeared  and Sadie fell. Afew seconds later, she stood up, but her eyes weren't blue, they were green. Instead of wearing a T-shirt and jeans, she was wearing a green dress. It looked like it was made of sunlight and trees." All the demigods slumped over and a couple people hit their heads on the table. (Cough Frank Cough) Percy groaned and said, "Gaea needs to go die in a hole, preferably Tartarus, right after she gets out of Sadies body." The demigods nodded in assent, then, much like our last meeting, there was a crash and a bellow.






You ever been stuck in your own head? No? Well my advice is to steer clear of that. The chick that invaded my body knows that Walt saw that dream. While yes, she told the truth, She started talking more after he left. "Well good thing Walt is gone now! We will NOT be fighting our battle in here, we will be fighting in E gypt. The entire destination has not been decided yet, but you know, thats more of a last minute problem. Also, we will be leaving Sadie here, for them to see she is 'fine' , maybe, perhaps I'll mess her up a little just to have a little fun." She laughs. Now, usually I like laughing, but this laugh was evil, a tiny bit insane even. "Now I'll get out of her so we can torcher her, I want to see how strong willed my 'host' is"  'Your laugh might be the least attractive laugh in the world ya little hag!' I spoke mentally. I can still see everything thats going on through a big screen with a stool in front of it. I could also watch movies, sleep, as there was a bed, and eat. There was a fridge with all my favorite food. Even though I was trapped in a phyco paths head, I was comfy. Anyways, She snarled back, ' Hey! Tartarus thought I had a lovely laugh!' 'Ummm, I hate to burst your bubble miss retard, but Tarturus is a pit. It's kinda depressing if you ask me, married to a pit. Is your full name Gaea Pit?' My god annoying her s fun. She gets wound up so easily. What happens next is a good example. 'You little (insert bad interesting names here)! How dare you insult me! What ever your usuall torture time is, it will be doubled!' I laugh, and laugh and laugh. I hear her questional thoughts and reply with, 'Well my dear, the only flaw with that is that you will feel the after effects, NOT me' "Will you two get her a muffler! The little brat won't shut up! Make her stop talking! She's to logical!" Kronos a Apophis laughed

They laughed




WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO OUR ENEMIES!?!?!? They will go to the mental hospital for... Titans? Oh gods, I had a ton of junk food and Im hyper... the world shall burn... Hehe... I can annoy Gaea even more now. I'll spare you the confusion, I started talking rapidly and Gaea finally had enough and screamed in her mind, 'If you syop talking, I will allow you to communicate with anyone from the Argo II if I am there in your mind to supervise, as you demigods call it. Say anything I don't like, and I will take over your mental controls. If your just catching up, then I will not interfere' I might say yes, but first I must clear something up.'Deal, onl if, you swear on the river Styx to abide by the terms you just er, thought, I guess.' Gaea laughs and thinks, 'Smart girl, I'll say it outloud to, just incase thinking it is not enough.'  She clears her throught and said, "I swear on the River Styx that I will not interfere with Sadies dream message unless she says something I do not like." Kronos and Apophis look at her like she's mad, until they look over a small cofee table with a bottle of pills on it.... Wait... Is she taking pills that make her less moody?!?! Ummmmmm..... No comment on that.... No comment at all...Anywho, Who should I dream message? I mean, I have 14 people to choose from.I mean, I know Carters my brother and all, but apparently I also have a twin sister. I think I'll go with Lindsey, since I sent a dream to Carter last time. I sigh, then lie down and will my self to Lindseys dream, which was whether odd. I'll give you the quick version: It was of Lindseys 'death', which doesn't make since because she was a godess.I willed the nightmare to stop and go to my familys old house in LA, from before m mom died and dad became god of the dead. Lindsey looked around in alarm, then she saw me and relaxed then said, "You have alot of explaining to do."


Hey guys! Be thankful for this update, I was crying through half of it. I read Allegiant, don't judge! Anywho.... I will obviously continue the story since I don't have he heart to discontinue it or put it on hold. So yah. Basically I have no idea when my next update will be since I have alot of make-up homework fom having the flu. Oh, and sorry for all the randomnes, I was extremly hyper when I wrote part of this and I carried it out cause I'm to lazy to change it. So, yah...



And suggest

LOVE Y'ALL!!!! <3 <3 <3


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