Luke's Back...

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Okay. Soooo, I guess Lukes back. As happy as I am to have my old friend back, how do I know I can trust him. I mean,  know that he killed himself in the fnal battle to save everyone, but he had still hosted Kronos. Not only that, he had tried to kill me several times. He seems nervous, like he was waiting for someone to walk up and kill him or yell at him. I think the biggest danger as of now, was Annabeth. She looked kind of deadly. And shes reaching for her knife. Aw nuts. This is gonna be bad. And entertaining. I really can't choose. It'll be a litle bit of both. But of course, Sadie had to step i and be the responsible one. Wait, what?! Sadie, being responsible? Huh, never thought that would ever happen. Oh well. "Now, now, Annabeth. No need to go all ninja scary blonde girl on him. He's actually the one that set me free. Oh, and I freed him from Kronos, eternally, he couldnt host Kronos again if he tried!" We all gaped at her, taken aback by this. I never knew he could do that! I would've tried to find them earlier if I had known! "But," She continued, "It would've sapped me from my energy source and I would've burned up. So thats why Isis took control over me and did it herself." There always has to be a but! Well, anyways Carter decided to wake up then murmering stuff that was unintellagable. He looked up, saw Sadie, then went over to give her a hug. Oh, and Lindsey decided to speek up just then and said, "Sadie, may I have a word with you please? In private?" Sadie shifted on her feet then nodded her head. Lindsey looked happy, nervous, and excited all at the same time... Weird....








(I know, I've been having alot of POV switches. It's just that my mind give me different ideas while I write. I'll shut up now...)

OK. So I might have lied a little? While, yes, I am Sadie and Carters half-sister, there's sooo much more to it than that. Also part of that sob story on how I died was fake. I had been staying at Zia's that day and on my way there the monster attacked. So now that that's all cleared up, back to the present. So I led Sadie to the extra room Leo added on for me. She asked, so what was that all about. 'That' refering to Carter being passed out I assumed. Oh, and I had met Sadie before, so she knew exactly who I was. It was a long and complicated story that involves cheese demons, a small crocodile, and Australia. Darn ADHD! Anyways, I replied, nervously,"Well, I may or may not be a daughter of Ares as well as a magician who happens to be your twin because while, yes, you are Julius Kanes daughter, Ares wanted me living a somewhat normal life and made us twins..."  She cracked a smile and said, " Well that explains both of our talents for drama, being amazing, and being badass all at the same time!" Wow she tokk that pretty well, until it all sunk in and she fainted. Crap.I picked herup and headed down to the infermary and set her down on one of the beds. She took that alot better than I thought. Her being, uh, incapacitated, it gave me alot of time to think. Abou my death. I know, I'm exteremly cheery.


It was all a normal day. I was playing with my Step-sister, Zoey. "Mommy, can I go play with Zia?" My mom just smiled at the adorablenes that was her step-daughters puppy eyes. "Sure sweety, have fun and be careful, I feel like something bad is going to happen." She said uncertainly. I beemed at her and kissed her on the cheek,"Thanks Mom! I'll be careful,see you later!" But little had little me known that that was the very last time I saw her. And that I was bout to sacrifice myself for Zia's safety. I was skipping on to Zia's house,when I heard a huge roar. My skips sped up to a sprint, which I directed towards Zia's house. I threw the door open to my second home and screamed, " Ms.Rashid! Monster! Get Zia and run!I'll hold it off! I'll call on the powers of Ares as well as my own magic!" She knew better than to question me, as I was the strongest magician as well as the most stubborn. She nodded, grabbed Zia, and fled. As Zia's mom was the moving target, the monster went after her. Nuh-uh. No way in Hades. Horus help me, I thought. "Hey! Dumby! Over here! Look! Nice tasty, still, fresh, meat!" I screamed. Well that got the monsters attention. And of corse, it was one of the tallest earthborn EVER. My life sucks.I thought. I started shooting spells like there was no tomorrow, which I guess considering the circumstances it was. With the earthborns final blow, a short, painful snap to the neck, he dropped me like a ragdoll, stabbed me in the heart, made sure I was dead, then walked off. Leaving my dead body sitting there to rot.

*Disturbingly detailed flashback over*

So yah, I was a little distrcated when Carter walked in and sat next to me. He cautiously poked my shoulder. I looke up and smiled. He smiled back. I willed myself to look Sadie's age, even thogh I prefer the form of an 18 year old. I know, I'm so cool, I can do that. I start talking, "Ok, theres more to me being your sister than I explained. Thruth is, I'm also Sadies twin." Oce again he fainted. Ugh. Now I have to get him on a sick bed. Once that was done, I figured I should go outside and tell the others what happened. Well, except for Zia. She figured it out herself. Well, most of the truth, like the whole, family thing. But that still wasn't the whole truth. You'll figure it out eventually. But anyways, I walked down to the dining room, where everyone was, and told them," Ok, so what you guys know about my family ties isn't t he whole truth. As well as the whole, Carter, Sadie and I being related thng, I'm also Sadies twin in this weird confusing way. And while yes, the other parts you know about my family, not the truth. No one but my real parents know. And in time, youwill know too." They all sat there, gaping at me. The truth is, I think that if I told them, they wouldn't believe me. So I won't tell them. YET. Crap. I'm late. I quickly walked out of the dining room, went to my room and teleported to see a friend. Who knew all my secrets. I teleported to Ogygia to see Calypso. My half sister. Thats right, I'm a daughter of Atlas. But there's still so much more to it then that. "Hello Calypso!" she beams and her eyes shine with delight. "Hello Lindsey. Long time no see." I smile and tell her of our quest. I also tell her how I read Leo's mind and he still refuses to give up on finding her. "Really?! I thought he would move on from me, just like everyone else!" She cries in joy. I grin and say,"You know. I've found more power. I can finally release you." Her eyes widen as well as her smile. For the first time ever, she is at loss for words. She sits there opening and closing her mouth like a fish. I giggle ans exclaim," Well? What are you waitingfor? Grab my arm!" she does as I say happily. Then I teleport her back to my room and say,"Remeber, they don't know my true parentage. Nor do they know Sadie's or Carter's. Very rare cases those two are, haven't seen children right then n years." Calypso nods her head and says," Hurry up now! I haven't been to the outside world in ages! Plus I want to see Leo!" I mirk as she blushes and lead her out to the dining room. I feel devious today though. I tell Calypso my plan. "Got it?" I ask. She smirks and nods.I walk back to the dining room. Before I get bombarded with questions, I say, "No, I will not answer any questions of my parentage, but I brought a friend. She's really ice and helpful. I actually think a couple of you have met her berfore." I smirk and continue, "Come on out C!" Calypso come out and Percy and Leo gasp. Calypso sighs in annoyance, "Lindsey, I told you to never call me C. Its Calypso." Leo cautiously walks up to her and pokes her shoulder, as if making sure she was real, and not a mirage or something. He grins when she says, " Hello Leo. It's been a long time. And a little birdy told me that you never gave up on trying to find Ogygia."  He replies, still smiling, " Why would I give up on trying to save someone so beautiful?" Icouldn't help it, "Awwww!" I say. I get a few weird looks and a couple chuckles. Oh, that rhymed! "What?! I can't help it! I'm a sucker for romance!" Everyone laughs and Leo comes up and hugs me. "Thank you." He says. "No problem little elf." And that right there, is how you ruin a perfectly good moment. Everyone laughs at that, even Calypso. Leo just sat there and pouted. "Come on! Can I not escape the whole 'Leo looks like and elf' thing?!Is that so hard to ask?" Thats it. We all forget about Apophis and Kronos. We let our gaurd down. We didn't relize our mistake until it's to late.



Ok guys! Sorry for the confusing chappie but I kind of like where this story is going. Ya know, with the whole, 'Who are Lindseys parents and what do Sadie and Carter have to do with it?'angle. Also, I'm gonna try something new. IN ORDER FOR THE NEXT UPDATE I NEED 5 VOTE AND 3 SUGGESTIONS. I even put it so you can't miss it! So ya.I own none of these charecters. Rick does.






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