Lies. They were all lies.

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I was peacefully dreaming about my 'death', truth be told, I did go into a coma for a longggg time. And when I say longggg, I mean, I just woke up and came out of my, 'coma ba replacement' form, also known as a ghost. Anyways, as I was dreaming, Adream shifted to Sadie and Carters old house. I looked around, confused, but then I saw Sadie standing there. "You have alot of explaining to do." She stiffled a laugh, "As do you, really? A dress? AND, don't think I don't notice what you and Calypso talk about. I mean, me and Carters new parentage, don't talk about it in th hallways." I look down, and I do see something. I see a dark black dress that shifts shades of black. It was pretty. I replied to the whole, true  parentage thing by saying, "Welllll, you and Carter may or my not be children of Aphrodite in disguise that we had the mist go over your parents so they didn't remember?"  ( A.U. This is all made up, just for the story, do not believe it unless you are reading this story) Sadie laughed, "Nice joke Linds, very nice joke!" Then she saw how drop dead serious I was, "Oh dear, is that why my mom always looked kind-of dreamy around us?" I slowly nod and say, "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it was necessary. so was lying about my name, areas of power, and appearance- wait, crap, didn't mean to say that... Ignore it." How bout no, thats like, the 2nd time you have lied bout your identity. Tell me the truth NOW." She said said so sternly and fiercly, I was actually kind of scared. I was scared, she would treat me different after this... But okay. "Okay, you got me, I'm not really your sister. Or any relative of yours. I'm actually-"

(A.U. come on guys. Did you really think I would just give it up, without any wait or ANYTHING? Come on! Get your head in the game! Of course not!)



(This is my 3rd persons name, deal with it.)

     So there they were. Sadie interrogating this supposed, 'Lindsey' about her true identity, succesfully too. 'Lindsey sits there hopelessly explaining herself as Sadie thinks how impossible it is that her mother was lying, and her REAL mum is Aphrodite. Gaea sat there, in the deep corners of Sadies mind, laughing evily about her situation, that she herself caused. The primordal was briefly controling 'Lindsey' when she said Sadies mum was Aphrodite. Everything else though, that was real. She was quite happy with the results of it too. All Gaea wanted was chaos amoung the 15, and none of them knew what was going to hit them. Some things will happen along this trip, some things that will be undiscovered  for a long, long, time. The 15 think they will be the underdogs, but is that really true? They think only the worst will happen. They think they only have a few days. They actually have a few MONTHS. They think Sadie will leave unharmed, physically, just because she's now hosting Gaea against her will. Well, things aren't always what they seem. This isn't the last you'll be hearing from me... This is Joe, signing off. Back you you, on the Argo II.

(A.U. don't judge.... I felt like it.)






I was sitting in my room. I was worried. I knew that Gaea would know Walt was there, so why did she tell us the prophecy? And why would she show us Sadie was hosting her? She might be leveling out the playing feild, which is highly unlikely, or she is only letting us see a VERY small part of the story. It's all so confusing. Just as everything starts to settle down, things get complicated again. In all honesty, the lack of monsters is crazy. I guess it's just Lindseyworking some of her godess magic. I really hope that Lindsey doesn't try to kill us like Khoine. She had some issues. And when I say some, I mean alot of issues. I got so lost in thought, I didn't even notice when Hazel sat down next to me. She had to poke me several times to snap me out of my weird trance. I gave her a weak smile and she grabbed my hand. "Hey, everything will turn out fine. We'll rescue Sadie, and defeat Apophis, Kronos, and Gaea in the process." Even she sounded a little doubtfull. "Yea, everything will be fine. The only thing I need to understand is, howcan we do thin in a few weeks, when defeating Kronos alone took years. And what about Gaea? It took a while to defeat her too. And Apophis had to have taken a little while. I don't think we have to finish in a few weeks, I think we have a few months, maybe even a coule of years, to defeat all three of them." She nods and says, "I think that Gaea was only giving Walt a small peice of information. I mean, she had to have known that Walt was there." I nod in agreement. We just sit there for a while, in a comfortable silence. No words, just sitting there enjoying eachothers company, and thats when there was a roar.We looked at eachother and grabbed our weapons before sprintimg out  to the deck. We looked up and    saw the Minotaur. I'll spare you the details, it was incredibly disgusting.  Per looked over at us and said something along the lines of, you guys distract him, Jason flies above him and I go behind him. Thats what we were doing, until we heard a scream and got distracted.... Oh boy.


Hey guys! Guess what? I'm sick again. Yay. I lost, like, 5 pounds too. Anyways.... Not alot to say, really, ummmmm, oh yah! I think my readers need a nickname, mainly cuz I see it alot and I think it's really cute, so yah! Comment what you think about that.






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