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So the origional plan was to have the others distract the Minotaur while I went behind him and Jason flew over him to try to get a head shot. The plan was working, and then we heard a scream. A scream that was none other than Sadies. She wasn't there, no, she was in an iris message, writhing around in pain. I t took all the strength I had to look away and kill the Minotaur while it was distracted by the noise, trying to figure out where it came from. It was working, until it figured out my plan. Ie started thrashing his bull head around and was trying to avoid getting jumped. I quickly jumped on it's back, which was probably unneccessary, but, you know, whatever. I was on his back while he was bucking around and he bucked my sword out of my hand. The others at this time were trying to get it to calm down, but it was so angered even charmspeak didn't work on him. He bucked around, with me on him, without my Riptide. Great. Just fantabulous. I tried the approach I used the first time I defeated the Minotaur. I pull on his horn with all my might, and I feel the horn seperate from the ugly bull head. I jump down, and miraculously, didn't get hurt. Not. When I jumped, I jumped through the front and the horn caught me in the side, so I tore the other horn out to, but it was lodged in my side. I ignore the searing pain and continue to fight. I feel in my pocket only to find Riptide still hasn't reappeared. I sigh and took a long shot: I jump and stab it in the head. The Minotaur exploded into a fine powder of yellow dust and it cusioned my fall. I hit the ground, and immidiatly pass out, with the horn in my side.
I was in a cave, and I saw Annabeth and Carter being hold hostage. Carter was being held over a pt of two headed snakes, each with one head on each side and venom dripping out of their mouths, and Annabeth was being held over a pit of poisonous spiders. Annabeth looked absolutly terrified, and so did Carter. "Choose young hero. Yo must decide which one will live. Choose." The voice of Gaea purred in my ear. I look at Annabeth and am about to say her name, when I hear Athena in my mind. "As happy as I am that you want to save my daughter, do not let your emoti blind you. Let your mind lead you on this on." And then shes gone. The dream dispereses, and I find myself in the sea with my dad. He looks at me and smiles, "I gave you as big of a hint I was aloud on that lasy vision, Athena even pitched in a little. Anyways, more challenges awit you. The real battle will be in Egypt, they took Sadie to California as a distraction. I must go. Good luck." And the dream shifted, hopefully for the last time, again. "Join me hero, and Sadie will come out of this dream safe. Join us." I see Sadie talk in the voice of Gaea. She ws shaking her head saying no while she was talking though. I took a shaky breath and said, "I will never join you, not in a million years." I can tell Sadi is smiling proudly, that is, until Gaea gets out of her body and solidifies in to a body made of the earth, holding a whip, a gun, and a tank of water is next to her. Sadie stands tall and refuses to scream, cry, or even wince while Gaea whips her relentlessly. Next, Gaea grabs the gun, and shoots all of Sadies arms and legs 4 times each. She still stands there, refusing to show emotion, in fact, it looks as if it didn't even hurt her at all. The next part is the worst part, Gaea grabs Sadies head and shoves it under the water, and the worst part, I am completely powerless and cannot make a bubble around her. Sadie is still shaking her head, until she passes out on command. She did it on command so Gaea would stop, smart. Gaea stops and smiles proudly at the 'work', and by work I mean torture, that she caused. I glare at her until Sadie wakes upand says, in my mind only, "Good thing my nerve cells are burned out huh? Would've hurt alot more if I hadn't" and she grins sheepishly. My eyes widen and I feel myself wake up I say, Hold on, we WILL find you, and thats a promise." And I wakeup.

I wake up in a cot with Annabeth standing over me, crying softly. "Hey Wise Girl, why you crying?" I whisper hoarsly. Her head snaps up in shock, "How? You were dead, You had no pulse." And she burst into tears again. "Annabeth, I'm right here. You didn't seriously think I would leave you, did you?" "Well, I trust pulses, normally." She says, cracking a smile. "Theres the smile I love!" I say with my trademarked trouble maker grin. Hazel screams, "Annabeth, Lindsey passed out!" Annabeth sighs and says, "Stay here, I'll go check on her." I nod, and fall asleep.









Can I not get a break? I don't care how long, just a break. I walk into Lindsey's room and see Hazel standing over an unconcious Lindsey. I walk over to them and poke Lindsey with a stick. Lindsey springs up and pulls a Celestial Bronze frying pan out of no where. What the Hades! Is this why I have never seen her use a weapon? She puts the pan down and see's  me and Hazel laughing at her weapon of choice. She  blushes and giggles out, "And that, my friends, is exactly why you have never seen me use a weapon." If possible, me and Hazel laugh even more. I know what your thinking, HOW CAN SHE BE LAUGHING AFTER PERCY JUST DIED??? Well in all honesty, I hadn't told the rest of the Seven yet. I had wanted to wait for like, 5 minutes so I could greive in peace for a while. Anyways, hearing all the laughing, the rest of the seven, including Percy, came to the room. They see Lindsey holding her weapon and Leo asks, "What are you gonna do, fry them to death?" Lindsey smirks and replies, "I have done that befor, but no, I also have a knife in my boot, I hit my enemies upside the head to knock them out, then I stab them and kill them." We all take a step back adn she jumps. "Why'd you jump?" Luke asks. Woah, he's been quiet lately, I almost for got he was here. Lindsey waves her hand dismissavly, "Oh, you know, just Lindsey in my head reminding me to do something extremely important." Frank raises his eyebrow and says, "Oh?And what would that be?" She laughs nervously, "Oh, You know, just that, I  kind of, sort of, lied about my identity to you again?"








"Oh, you know, tht I kind of, sort of, led about my identity again?" Oh dear lord, here it comes, Oh, and by the way, just for the record, I never was in a coma, it was an act so I could help. The whole, Aphrodite is Carter and Sadies parents thing is something Gaea possesed me to say. I will never, EVER, help her again. Yes again, I helped her the last time. I was possesed by an eidlion the whole time. Cursed things those are. Anyhow, back to the subjuct. "WHAT?!?! AGAIN?!?!" Everyone screams at once. Gods help me, tey forgave me after I explained the situation to them. I shift uncomfortably. "Er, yeah, last time, I swear on the River Styx." Thunder claps in the distance and they look at eachoher and nod. "OK, who are you then?" Carter says. I sigh and say, "OK, I will say this before I go, I helped Gaea the last war. A few of you know me quiet well, but the thing is, eidlions were possesing me the whole war so I had no control over what I did. OK, here goes nothing, I am really..."


Did you seriously think I would give it up that easily? No? Good. A nice as I am, I'm also quiet evil. MUAHAHAHA. Ehem, anyways...... I got nothing. THESE AR NOT MY CHARECTERS! NOT EVEN THIS SUPPOSED 'LINDSEY'! Kk, now, I want you to guess who Lindsey really is. I really am making this story confusing aren't I? I'll clear it up eventually. So, yah, I really, desperatly, need suggestions now. BYEEEE LOVE Y'ALLLLLLL!!!!!




-Lindseyl <3 <3

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