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"You have alot of explaining to do." I say. Lindsey and Calypso exchange a glance and Lindsey says, "Well Leo, we would tell you if we could, but we can't. Sadly, I know enough abut you to know that you will crumble under pressure." Well, yes, I do crumble under pressure, but I am able to keep secrets. I  was able to keep the fact that I went to Ogygia and met Calypso a secret. " I'm so sorry I have to do this, but we can''t have you remembering this conversation now, can we?" And with that, everything went black.






I don't know who I  felt worse  for. Lindsey or Sadie. Lindsey has amore complicated family life but the snake won't leave her alone. I look up at Frank and say, "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." He nods and continues to stare at the sea. I go to my room and fall asleep, hoping for peaceful dreams. But my dreams,were anything but peaceful.
I was in a cave and I saw Sadie in  a corner. I hear an old, raspy voice say, "Lets torcher her more, just to put her in her place." Sadies eyes widen as a man roughly grabs her arm and  yanks her up. She gets pulled over to a wall with manicals and she gets whipped, she refused to scream. I have a feeling these clips were shortened too. Next, She was pulled over to where Atlas was holding the sky. They made her do this too. Then they pulled her over to a tank. They would drown her then bring her back to life. It was horrid, by the end of the dream I was crying and a little nautious (spelling?). Te dream dissolved into another.This time it showed me in a field, with everyone i loved  surrounding me, dead. "You can prevent this child. Join us. Sadie will no longer suffer too." "No. I will never join you. We  will save Sadie" And with that the dream dissolved.


I sprinted to the machine room and called a meeting. As soon as everyone was there, I said, "So last night I had a dream-" "Well, don't we all have dreams?" Leo cut me off. I said, with a glare, "As I was saying, I had a dream, and Sadie was being torchered." Que the gasps And I described the rest of my dream. Walt and Carter looked, like, beyond mad and Zia was near tears. We were all in shock. We hadn't known how she was tortured. Lindsey gasped, "It's sundown! I have to get to the obliesk (spelling?) for the exchange!" All our eyes widened in relization and we sprinted to the deck. We saw the little obliesk (must I repeat?) glow and Sadie was there with a man in a mask. The man spoke in a voice that was obviously not his. "Well, well, what do we have here? The little godesswith her little friends." Sadie just sits there, and you can tell she's trying to do something. Suddenly, and I think it was in everyones- well not Apophis' obviously- I heard Sadies voice in my head, Guys, he's counting on you guys trading me with Lindsey. They put a spell on me where anything important about our battle plans, get transported to them the second I hear it. Don't do it. We were all in shock of what we just heard, but it made alot of sense. "You know what, we kind of need the godess on our ship. We'll save Sadie eventually, just not now." Annabeth said. But being on a ship with her for so long, I could tell how much saying that hurt her.But Apophis bought it and said, "You fools wouldn't trade a godess for a member of this quest? Well I'll be suprised if Sadie doesn't come to our side next." As if to add emphasis, he pointed to Sadie, who was at this point fake crying. Wow she was a good actress. And with that, he telaported ( Grrrr. Spelling?) away, taking Sadie back. "Do you think Sadie's mad at me?" Annabeth said nervously. "No, I'm sure she understands. She would do the same if it was necessary. And by the way, sorry for lashing out earlier, aneidlion possesed you so it wasn't fair of me to do so." Lindsey said. Annabeth smiled in relief.








I knew the snake would pull something like that. I mean, he's a snake for crying out loud! Never trust a snake! Anyways. We had gone to the meeting room to discuss plans. Not anything specific, just plans. Carter spoke up and said, "I might be able to communicate with Sadie through ba dreams?" I sighs and says, "I don't know Carter, I was thinking we get there, 1st problem, then we attack, second problem, and Sadie either joins us, if she is able to, that is, and we take it from there." Carter stiffly nods. I can get where my brother thinks that it's best we get Sadie THEN battle, when thats what they want us to do. We just can't risk it. "If you agree, raise your hand, if not, suck it up, a godess' vote counts for 12, so yes automatically wins." Guess who said that? Me! And thats about the time we heard a rattling roar, and a crash.


Hey guys! So basically I need to rant. So this is the 1st time I've gotten the flu. Doesn't seem so bad right? Hehe, WRONG. I found out I got the swine flu yesterday and today I was supposed to get my braces off and don't forget my volleyball team pictures! So I have to miss that. And to make matters worse, unless someone cancles I get my braces off the 29th. K. Mini rant over, thanks for listning! Ok, back on topic. So I'm majorly considering  discontinuing this story. I have major writers block and I really need help. Any ideas you can give me I will gladly except. So anyways, Tell me if you want me to continue this story. I would really appriciate Any ideas or advice. Comment '8' if you read all this. LOVE Y'ALL!


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