Here We Go Again

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What did Sadie get herself into this time. And yes, I know who Sadie is. I see her in visions occasionaly because of her real parentage. I can't say what it is, but I will say that when Hecate works hard enough, magicians and mortals believe anything. Anyways, I automatically knw Sadie did something as she A) she can be very.... idiotic to put it bluntly and B) can be to stubborn for her own good most of the time. I was right. I got to the ships infermary to find Sadie missing. And Carter was tied against a bedpost with a large knot on his forehead. Unconscious, I might add. There was a note on his head that said, "Bring the godess to the obliske at sundown in exchange for Sadie. If you don't, she will die.- Apophis" Lindsey visably paled and started muttering a few choice words about the, and I quote, "Bloody snake ruining her secret" I couldn't help but laugh at some of her death antics for him. Everyone stares at me as I giggle madly. "Really Lindsey? Why would you hope he go dies in a hole filled with acid while monkeys eat his ears and wolves rip out his eyeballs? Why? Where do you come up wih this?" She smirks and replies, "Being alive for a while," I snort at a whle! Yah right! "Gives you alot of time to come up with some creative death antics." She finishes. Leo has a look of understanding stitched across his face, "So, Lindsey, what are your domains?" She sighs , "Umm, ghost, hate and darkness. Minor godess of couse. Calpso here is my half-sister. Let me reintroduce myself, Lindsey, daughter of Atlas and Aphrodite. I was a mistake. Atlas fell in love with mom and thought she would like him if he gave her a gift. So he created me and gave me to her. This was never written in history. Though, in a way, that Sadie Carter and Julius Kane don't know, is that I AM related to Sadie and Carter. After you give me to Apophis and this war is over, I will tell you." I knew all this of course. But I always feel so sad listning to her story! I think Annabeth was about to blow a fuse. "So what you mean to tell us, is that you faked being  a ghost and daughter of Ares!?" "Yes, Annabeth. BUT, keep in mind that I'm almost the only godess that help you? Even though I have every reason to ignore you and let you fail? HAVE YOU EVEN NOTICED THE LACK OF MONSTERS?!?! YAH, THAT WAS ME! HAVE YOU RELIZED THAT TO SAVE YOUR QUEST, THAT IM ALLOWING MSELF TO GET CAPTURED FOR SADIES SAFE RETURN?" And with that, she storms out the room, leaving us all staring at Annabeth with our, Why in the name of Zeus would you say that? Her eyes, void of emotion, turned gold. Wait, Gold? "What do you want eidlion?" Piper snarls. The eidlion laughs a cold, hollow, laugh."Just because you charm spoke us out last time, doesn't mean you can do it again." Piper smirks and says,"Try me.You will exit Annabeths body. You will no loner inhabit any demigod bodies anymore. You will leave us alone and swear on Styx that you will do so." The  eidlion sweats, and you can tell he doesn't like it, but he repeats the vow. Annabeths eyes returned to their normal color and she looks confused before she passes out. Leo was the first to speak, "Lindsey is USUALLY awfully cheery for a godess of hate." We al look at him oddly before nodding. "Poor girl. Even though she lied to us, no one should have to go through what she went through. She just seemed so sad, as if she wishes she was never born." Piper said. She seemed so confused. Again, I was too when I found out that Lindsey was my half sister.I only found out a year or so ago to. I sigh, nod and walk down to Lindsey's room, where she was createing  make up out of darkness. Wow, sometimes she does let her parentage show. "You OK?" I ask gentely, knowing what she was capable of when she's angery. "Ya, it's just that, it hurts knowing that some people on the ship don't trust me anymore. Just imagine what would happen if I told Sadie, Carter and their, supposed, parents who their mom and dad really was? That would cause even LESS trust. And what if-"  I cut her off. " Lindsey, stop being o pessimistic. Seriosly, your being more pessemistic than Percy. I'm not even kidding. You seriously are. Don't tell The Kanes just yet. They still need time to get used to the whole, Greek gods are real, thing ya know. Just give it ti-" "Wait" She says, she closes her eyes and says, " Come out Leo, I know you're there." leo comes out from behind the door and says, "You have alot of explaining to do."






Are. You. Kidding. Me. AGAIN? Can't Apophis just give me a break already. I am sick of this. I am sick of the corner. I'm sick of the cave. And most of all, I'M SICK OF APOPHIS! Why can't he just die already. No one would care. I mean, he's a chaos snake.Ugh. Apophis says, "Well, well, well. Look what we've got here. The little eye of Isis just lyig around in her corner. Useless. As usuall. You know Kronos, I have ot an idea why Isis would choose her as a host." Kronos smirks, "Probably just wants a body so desperatly, she'll just jump at any chance she'll get." Their words hurt, I'll admit. But really, I've learned not to care anymore.        They stood there, smirking like the idots they are. "What did you just think, girl?" Oops. Forgot they can read minds. Oh well.  "Let's  torcher her some more, just to put her in her place." Crud.


Hey guys! So basically, I won't be trying that vote thing again. I got a little irritated, to be honest, and discouraged. So anyways, I will probably be updating soon as Iam sick. Ugh. Sickness. Anyways, suggestions are more appricated than ever. I'm pretty much fresh out of ideas. Sorry for all the spelling errors. All charecters are Ricks, I own none!  Love Y'all!!!




- lindseyl

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