Chapter 3

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Shadow traveling from the underworld too camp is tiring. The deal was for me to meet up with Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank and Hazel. So I get to Thalias Pine and all of them were there along with four others. The other for kids looked at me like I was an alien or something. I immediately asked, " Who are you and why are you starting at me?" Everyone looked away as soon as I said that. " You just look like someone we know very well." A blond girl with a pink steak in her hair said, glancing at a tall well built boy with dark skin." Well OK then." I replied " So what are we supposed to do now that we have them?" I asked. "Well we take them to Chiron and see from there." Jason replied.We figured Chiron would be with Dionysus at the Big House. we were right and he said, "I see you have completed your quest and brought these godlings to us. Well, to you four, welcome! I wanted to have this fine group catch you because we have a new prophecy and it seems to involve you." The twelve of us gasped and he said, "This is the new Great Prophecy

Fifteen shell go west

To fight threats combined

thought to be dead revived

Half-bloods and magicians fight

Earth, Chaos, and the fallen titan

Son of seas choice will decide

If war still stands

Yay, another prophecy... Joy. Percy had a look of anger on his face, everyone else had a look of horror and sympathy on their face. The for new kids looked like they knew this was coming, Carter and Sadie ( As I soon learned) looked really mad, especially at the serpent part. " Why won't that chaos snake stay dead?!" Sadie exclaimed. Then, really randomly,I might add, she, Zia and Carter passed out.We got them to the infirmary to get fixed up.The rest of the time they were passed out was uneventful. When they woke up, Zia explained, " The Egyptian gods are coming back, Ra is back in my head, Horus is back in Carter's head, and Isis is back in Sadie's head." Yes, that just makes TOTAL sense. So,naturally everyone had an s extreme look of confusion on our faces, even Annabeth. "Sorry, the gods Zia mentioned are using our bodies to live in and we can use there supply of magic. Oh, and if one of us pass out after we use magic it's because we used to much, even with our gods or goddesses help." Walt said "Oooh" we all replied. "So can the gods possess you?" Leo asked. The group nodded their heads. " So, it looks like we have a prophecy to complete." Piper said. "So I think that the prophecy means we go towards California." Hazel said. The four new kids had a look of confusion on their faces, probably because they didn't know where Kronos base was...Wait... "I think we may be facing Kronos and Geae again." I said. The demigods gasped. "That makes so much more sense! Kronos base was in California!" Jason said. When I actually thought about it, it made sense,I mean, more sense then before. "So,I think it's about time to tell you or story." Cater said. Sadie, Carter, Walt and Zia launched into their story in having to save the world from a giant chaos snake. "Wow. That explains why Sadie left after I turned into a snake" Frank said. I was impressed, not as impressive as Percy's story, but still impressive. "So, do we need a plan?" Cater asked. Sadie facepalmed and said, "Come on Carter! Pharaohs are supposed to be smart! If course we won't have a plan! We never do! We just need to find a baseline!" She made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it kinda was I'll admit. Carter blushed while Percy started saying," That's a good idea I guess. I mean, me and Annabeth never had plans, ever, not even in the darkest out of the underworld." I laughed and said, " Only you wouldn't have a plan while in Tartarus" ( A.U I have no idea if I spelled that right and I'm to lazy to check, do bear with me) I teased him about it some, just because, he's ok with it, keeps his memories at bay. "Well let's go to bed. it's getting late and we have a really long day tomorrow." Percy said. "I agree, I'm exhausted." Annabeth said 


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the late update but I've been really busy lately with school starting and stuff. The prophecy was a pain... be glad you got one, writing it sucked. a lot.any ways, time for the disclaimer! I don't own any of these characters! Comment who's POV I should do next!

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