Chapter 18 - Pandora

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Lita POV

I paused slightly. I sat down on the bed not saying anything.
"Lita?" Alex asked looking at me a little confused and worried. I shook my head telling him not to be worried.

These where coming every two minutes or so, wait... I swear they are suppose to start off slow and get faster eventually, but there is no way that this is Braxton Hicks contractions.

"Lita, I'm starting to worry, what is wrong?" He asked.
"I-I think I'm having the baby n-now." I said as calmly as I can.

They keep slowly getting quicker. I look up at Alex to see his whole face is pale and he looks deep in thought, he was probably with his wolf or mind - linking someone.

He grabbed hold of my hand and told me to squeeze, I did so and he looked like he was in pain. Freaking weakling, you think you're in freaking pain?!

I try to contact my wolf who is currently talking to Alex 's.

"You better answer me now, You're the freaking reason I'm in this mess." I said to her she sighed and answered me.
"The pack doctor is on her way, she's going to help you through the birth, for now you need to distract yourself on different things and try and calm down."

Did she just tell me to calm down? I am having a freaking baby, I am having freaking contractions, I'm pretty sure my waters are about to break, and I feel like I'm going to die. So no, I can not freaking calm down.

Alex looked over at me as if reading my mind and smirked at my thoughts. Even though I was in a bad mood his smirk still made me feel better.

Eventually the Pack doctor had arrived and my waters broke, now I was in a lot of pain and the contractions where roughly every minute.

I was now in tears and terrified.
"Sweetheart, don't cry." Alex said looking at me sadly.
"I-I'm not." I say tears pouring down my face. I look up at Alex. "What if something goes wrong Alex, what if the baby dies... how will I be able to cope? And what if I die, the baby won't have a mother." I said. Alex shook his head.
"No, nothings going to happen, I won't let it."

As much as I hated to say it there was now way that Alex could control what was going to happen, he's the alpha or our pack, and some moon king... prince thingy, he isn't a lifesaver, nor does he have the power to control death.

I stayed silent, apart from the sobs and the cries of pain which got louder as the contractions got worse.

In less then two hours I had gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

I was a sweating mess and relieved it was over, I was glad I had a short labour, and I was in a lot of pain still.

Our little girl was in her daddy's arms, I could hear the soft gurgle noises she was making.

The pack nurse walked her way to us. "Congratulations Alpha Alex and Luna Lita." She smiled. "Any ideas on what you would like to call your little girl?" She asks.

I don't think we where expecting for me to give birth that quickly, I mean I knew Werewolf pregnancies where quicker but I was only pregnant for a month.

Then again, Alex is also a healer, so I guess it's quicker again.

I look over at Alex and he smiles at me.
"I have a name for her." He says. He then whispers the name in my ear quietly and I smile slightly and nod.
"It's an unusual name but it's pretty, I think we should go for it." I say.

He grins and looks up at the nurse.
"Her name is Pandora." He smiled.

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