Chapter 7 - It's not that simple

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Chapter 7 - it's not that simple

Lita POV

At school I was forced to stay with one of Rex's friends.

It got annoying at times when they would literally wait outside of the girls toilets just to protect me.

I thought about escaping through the open window a couple of times but I knew they where just trying to help.

At lunch someone walked up to our table

"Lita, a girl was looking for you just now." a girl in my Physics class said.

"A girl?" I asked confused.

"Yes, she had Blonde hair and blue eyes, she looked like she was a year eight... year nine maybe." the girl smiled.

"Do you know anyone who matches that description?" Oakley asked.

"Yes." I said slightly worried.

"Who is it?" Ryan asked.

"A girl named Hazel, she's Alex's sister." I sighed.

"What are you going to do?" Kirk asked.

"I'm going to go see her, was she alone?" I ask. The girl nods.

"Yes." The girl said "She was at the school gates." she smiled.

"Thank you." I smile then grab my bag and run to the school gates my black hair flowing in the wind

There I saw Hazel, she looked a mess. Her hair was pulled in a messy plait, Her eyes had bags under them and they were red. Her mascara was running.

"Hazel?" I ask. Rex and his gang were behind me.

"L-Lita?!" She asked and hugged me.

Our school gates are always open apart from night and holidays because of security.

"Hazel what's wrong? Where's Will?" I ask worried.

"Will's at home with Alex trying to calm him down."

"Calm him down? What do you mean?" I ask.

"Alex... He killed... He... He..." Hazel started crying harder. Rex looked at me.

"Guys, I'm taking her to my apartment, I'm worried about her." I say. They all nodded.

"We're coming with you." Rex said. I nodded.

We got to my apartment and I sat Hazel down, I handed her a box of tissues.

"Hazel what happened?" I asked.

"Alex." she spluttered "he killed dad."

"Wh-what?!" I ask shocked.

Alex was a big cold Alpha but he wasn't a murderer, he would never intentionally hurt anyone.

"He got into a argument with him. Dad said he was a delinquent who couldn't even get his mate to stay with him." she said crying harder "He said that Alex would always be lonely and he hoped you got married and had kids," Hazel paused "He said that the only one that will ever love him is one of the girls he screws or a slut." she said.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

I suddenly felt angry with his dad. How dare he speak to my mate like that! Alex is one of the nicest guys on Earth, he's kind considerate, funny, cute... when he's not putting up his guard.

"Alex got angry... he flipped out and pounced on my dad then ripped him to pieces." she said crying more and more " he's now currently having a melt down mumbling how he hates himself, how he's a jerk, how dad was right, how he's a murderer." she looked at me "Please come back Lita, he's like this because your not there, he misses you." She said. I looked at her and sighed.

"It's not that simple." I say.

"Why not?" She asks "Why can't you and Alex be happy, like all the other mates. He misses you." she says.

I scoffed and laughed.

"If he missed me so much why was he screwing other girls?" I ask.

"Wh-what?!" Hazel asked.

"Yesterday, I collapsed because my mate was screwing another wolf!" I say with tears in my eyes. Hazel stared at me.

"Please, If you can't do it for Alex, then do it for me. I miss having my best friend and big sister around." She says her tears falling slower.

I looked at Rex who stared at me.


"Go on, go. if your worried Don't be, we'll protect you." Rex smiled.

"But how?" I asked.

Rex smiled along with the gang.

"We have our ways." he grinned.

"I-I- okay." I say. Hazel hugs me tightly and smiles happily.

I guess I'm going home.


And they lived happily ever after the end.

Haha no I'm joking I wouldn't do that!

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Lots of love,

Cupcakes (and Cupcakes)


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