Chapter 8 - who died and made you king?!

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Chapter 8 - who died and made you king?!

Lita POV

"Good bye Lita." Everyone said, they waved and smiled. Rex came up to me and hugged me "give the guy a chance." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I say.

"Lita, what did we tell you earlier if you need us we'll be here." he smiled.

"But how?" I ask

"Told you secret." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and hugged al the guys.

"Take care." I say then started walking into our Packs territory.

Hazel was right next to me.

"Who are they?" She asks after we were further away from them.

"In all honesty I don't have a clue." I say truthfully.

Rex and his gang saved me from Eric and The rest of him that two days ago but Rex has avoided all the questions I've asked him and the rest of them kept telling me that Rex was the person to explain.

Other then that I never really talked to them. I mean I was constantly guarded by them but I was too shy to talk to them.

I mean they were complete strangers to me, they were one of the most popular group in the school but for all I know they could be criminals.

I knew they weren't different though, I mean Rex's hand has already healed. Werewolf healing takes about four days to heal a human man made bullet.

Unless of course it's a small silver bullet which of course kills us.

We get to the pack house and there's shouting.

"You need to calm down!" I hear Will shout.

"How can I?" Alex yells.

"Just try! It won't do any good being like this."

"She left me! She hates my guts! The one girl I actually like left me!"

I opened the door and looked at the two as they both stared at me.

"I'm going to my cage." Is all I say.

I run upstairs to the cage. My wolf is pretty much ecstatic that she can be with her mate but I on the other hand. I'm not so happy. I only came back for Hazel's sake.

I locked myself in my cage and I stared outside.

My curtains were closed and I was exhausted. My mind drifted to Rex and his gang.

That day that Rex kissed me didn't mean anything to me. I wonder if Alex felt the pain?

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


When I awoke in the morning, I felt like I was going to throw up. I got off of my bed and did exactly that.

I started throwing up not realising that Alex was in the same room as my cage was in.

He came in and held my hair up.

after I finished he got some stuff to clean it up and helped me clean up in silence.

He then stared at me.

"I think your pregnant." he says. I stare at him blankly.

"I haven't done anything." I say. he looks at me blushing.

"Yeah you have." he said. I thought for a minute but couldn't understand.

"What do you mean?"

"The night of your shifting, with me." he says

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