Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"You ride a motorcycle?" Vance asked, surprise in his voice as we approached the massive black beast parked at the gate. He looked at me with a whole new appreciation in his glowing eyes.

"No." I grinned. "I drive a funky little green scooter. This is yours." I extended his helmet to him and he took the safety gear before staring at it and handing it back.

"Why don't you use it?" he offered politely.

I shook my head. "No. You wear it. Seeing how half of the town witnessed you dead this afternoon, I think it would be in your best interest if you covered your face."

"Ah." He nodded. "That might be the smart thing to do."

"Would you like your jacket too?" I asked, shrugging out of it.

"No. You keep it," he said reaching out to stop me. My breath caught at the familiar gesture and I watched as his eyes wandered over the rest of me.

"I'm assuming most of what you're wearing this evening belonged to me?" He smiled slightly, and I gazed down at the baggy shirt and sweat pants, nodding.

"These were your pajamas." I smoothed my hand over them reverently, like they were made of silk. "I wanted to feel close to you so I put them on," I explained.

"So, I'm a t-shirt and sweats kind of guy?" he asked, cocking that eyebrow again. It was crazy how sexy that tiny gesture looked on him.

"Not all the time," I answered. "You've only ever worn sweats to bed, sometimes without a shirt, sometimes just boxers. During the daytime you're mostly a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy."

"Anything else I should know about myself?" He looked truly curious.

"Well, let's see. You built this motorcycle yourself because you like to work with your hands, and you're a multi-millionaire." I watched, waiting for his reaction.

"Oh. I have money. That's a nice revelation," he replied after a moment of surprise crossed his face. "That isn't why you married me, is it?" he added, scrutinizing me.

I rolled my eyes. "No! And for your information you inherited most of the money since we've been married. Get on the bike!" I ordered him, still shaking my head at his comment.

"Can I drive?" he asked me, catching me by surprise.

"Do you feel comfortable doing that?" I secretly wondered if he remembered how.

He gave a shrug. "I won't know until I try, will I?"

Stepping aside, I gestured to the seat. "Be my guest." I said as he climbed on. "Hey, there's one more thing I should tell you before we go."

"What's that?"

"Your mom's staying at our house." Again, I carefully watched his expression. He stared over the handlebars glancing up toward the night sky.

"My mom," he rolled the words out slowly, shaking his head. "Sorry. I'm drawing a blank."

"You died trying to save her life. It's been really hard on her. I just thought you might want to be a little lenient with her when you meet."

"I'll try," he finally replied, sighing.

"Also, would you mind if I do one more thing before we go back?"

"Depends on what it is." He eyed me warily.

"I don't know if you're aware, but your eyes are glowing red. This is something that happened quite frequently before and I used to help you with it."

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