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All About Leo
The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after.

On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Those who are devout may become very obstinate in upholding traditional beliefs and will cling tenaciously, but with complete sincerity, to practices and doctrines which liberal thinkers regard as absurdly out-of-date. These will be found as the 'lions' of industries, and in the forefront of the cutting edge of technologies.

Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. If jealously suspicious of rivals, they will not hesitate to use cunning, lies and trickery to discredit them. Self-centeredness, greed for flattery, boastfulness, and bombast, pomposity, snobbish superiority, and overbearing, and intolerant disdain of underlings; to whom they will nevertheless delegate the carrying out of minor details in their grandiose schemes, and from whom they are not above borrowing immoderately if an occasion necessitates it. Any of these can be characteristic of Leo.

In his or her relations with others the Leo type is open, sincere, genuine and trusting. Outgoing, spontaneously warm hearted and plain spoken, though never lacking in kindliness, Leos are more disillusioned than the average if let down by those they trust. They are not good judges of character and are inclined to favoritism and an exaggerated faith in their followers which too often ends in disappointment.

Symbol: The Lion;

Element: Fire;

Gemstone: Ruby;

Color: Gold;

Ruling Planet: The Sun;

Body Part: Heart, upper back, spine;

Good Day: Courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest, entertaining;

Bad Day: Arrogant, wasteful, sloppy, cold-hearted, jealous, aggressive;

Likes: Speculative ventures, lavish living, pageantry and grandeur, children, drama;

Dislikes: Doing thinks safely, ordinary day-to-day living, small minded people, penny pinching;

Strength: Your playful and loving nature.

Weakness: Your need for approval can become too important.

Secret Wish: To rule the world.

Best Suited Careers: Actor, cardiologist, jeweler, publicist, spokesperson, reality-show personality, hairstylist, sales consultant, motivational speaker.

The Perfect Gift: The best gift for a Leo is a status symbol item or a family related collection such as a keepsake album.

How to Spot Them: Distinctive mane of hair, regal posture.

Where You'll Find Them: Producing, directing and starring in their own independent films, swept away in a romantic escapade, running for President.

Most Compatible Matches: Loving Leo is charming and romantic, but not always super sensitive. Your most compatible matches are equally daring Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini.

Least Compatible Matches: Leo is a dominating sign, and therefore is least compatible with sensitive Pisces, stubborn Taurus and scorching Scorpio.

Famous People: Karl G. Jung (psychiatrist), Mick Jagger (musician), Henry Ford (industrialist), Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor), Neil Armstrong (astronaut), Hulk Hogan (wrestler), Alfred Hitchcock (director), Napoleon (emperor), Robert De Niro (actor), Cocoa Chanel (designer);

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